How to become a member of ARVES.
Send an e-mail to secretary
Put in the e-mail your full name, streetname+number, zipcode and place of residence (where you want to get the magazine EG), and also the name of your country.
The costs of membership are € 40,- for one year.
The general information for a money transactions is:
IBAN : NL19 INGB 0000 0540 95
Send an extra e-mail to the treasurer:
After you have paid you will be a member, and you will get 4 issues a year of the magazine EG sent home.
You then will be mailed about all activities of ARVES like readings, the yearly solvingcontest and the new issues of books about endgamestudies.
Sarychev, 1928
White plays and makes a draw.
(The Réti-manoeuver)
Subscription to EG is not tied to membership of ARVES.
The annual subscription to EG (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) is € 40,- euro for 4 issues.
Payable to ARVES (Belgiëlei 21 bus 3, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium):
IBAN: NL 19 INGB 0000 0540 95
ING Bank NV, POB 1800, 1100 BV Amsterdam
If you pay via eurogiro from outside the European Union, please add € 3,50 euro for bankcharges.
Payment also possible
- via Paypal on email to
And form outside Europe:
- postal money order, USD or euro bank notes (but no cheques) to the treasurer (please, not ARVES or EG !)
It is of course possible with any kind of payment to save bank charges by paying for more years in advance or for more persons at the same time,
as some subscribers already do, or in cash at the annual World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) run in conjunction with meeting of the World Federation of Chess Composition (WFCC).
For all information, especially change of address, please contact the treasurer:
Marcel Van Herck,
Belgiëlei 21 bus 3 2018 Antwerpen,
The English (otb)-GrandMaster Murray Chandler about endgame study:
"a marvellous and calming escape from a busy world".