Tournament Awards
Please send new awards (if possible PDF and PGN) to
In the Vecherny Peterburg tournament (See PDF page 43 in Awards Files)
the winner is: A. Popov
and for 2/3rd place: A. Popov and Pavel Arestov.
The winners in magazine 64-Shakhmatnoye Obozrenye 2021 tournament,are:
1st prize N. Ryabinin with K. Sumbatyan,
2nd prize for Pavel Arestov with Peter Krug,
3rd prize Robin Swinkels with Jan Sprenger.
See for the full report (Russian language) in the PDF file in the Awards Files.
In the Vratnica 2021 tournament, for the Win-section the winners are:
Pavel Arestov with Peter Krug (Russia-Austria),
2nd: Vladislav Tarasiuk (Ukraine),
3rd: Amatzia Avni with Yochanan Afek (Israel)
For the Draw section the winners are 1st/2nd :
Sergey Osintsev (Russia) and Michael Pasman (Israel)
See for the full report the PDF file in the Awards Files.
The provisional award for the 16th UAPA 2021 or Jose Copie 80 JT is available.
There are 4 sections:
A. Studies up to 8 pieces A1 Win or A2. Draw.
B. Theme free B1 Win or B2 Draw.
For A1 the 5 price winners are: 1. Arpad Rusz, 2. Michael Pasman,
3. Oleg Pervakov, 4. Sergey Osintsev. 5. Michael Pasman;
For A2 the 6 price winners are: 1. Michael Pasman, 2. Richard Becker, 3. R.Becker with Mario Garcia,
4. Poul Rewitz, 5. Pavel Arestov, 6.David Gurgenidze;
For B1 the 5 price winners are: 1. Vladislav Tarasiuk, 2. Oleg Pervakov with Karem Subatyan,
3.Jan Timman, 4.Evgeny Kopylov, 5.Michael pasman;
For B2 the 6 price winners are: 1/2 Peter Krug 1/2 Sergey Osintsev, 3.Michael Pasman,
4.I Jarmonov with Vladislav Tarasiuk, 5.Pavel Arestov, 6.Marc Gelly.
The magazine Pat a Mat 2020-2021 tournament is won by Amatzia Avni,
Second prize for Martin Minski
Third prize for the duo: Michael Hlinka with Lubos Kekely.
Winner of the Strategems 2021 tournament are the duo David Gurgenidze with Martin Minski,
Second prize for Franjo Vrabec.
See Awards Files
The winner of the Jana Lercha MT or
Ceskoslovensky Sach 2021 tournament is:
Martin Minski,
2nd and 3rd prize for to two co-productions:
PolasekJaroslav with Vlasak,Emil and with Navara,David
Krug, Peter with Garcia,Mario
4th prize to Michael Pasman.
For the memorial tournament of the birthday of Henri Rinck 150 there were two sections.
In the Free Theme section A the winners are:
1st prize: Amatzia Avni with Yochanan Afek.
2nd prize for: Oleg Pervakov wth Karen Sumbatyan
3rd prize to: Yuri Bazlov.
In Section B: "Studies after compositions of Rinck, Henri 1870-1952 "
the prize winners are:
Daniel Keith with Pavel Arestov
For now the prelimanary results of the Chessstar 2021 tournament are available in the PDF
Winner Michael Pasman,
2nd prize to Steffen Nielsen and
3rd prize for Lubos Kekely with Michal Hlinka.
In the b-section the winner is Igor Jarinmonov,
2nd prize for Rainer Buhmann with Martin Minski
3rd prize for Luis Miguel González and Vidadi Zamanov
In the c-section some nice studies as well.
The notation study of Kuzmichev is not properly done in the pdf
(Should be: 1.e7! (1.Kd7? Rf6! 2.e7 Rxd6+! 3.Kc8 Rc6+! 4.Kd7 Rc7+!)
1…Ke6! (1… Kxd6 - stalemate ) 2.d7 Rh4 3.d8N+!
a) 3…Bxd8 4.edN+!draw,
b)3…Kd6 4.Sb7+! (4.Sf7+? Kc7! 5.Sg5 Bc3! 6.Kf7 Rf4+! 7.Ke6 Rf6+!)
4…Ke6 5.Sd8+! Kf6 6.Sc6! (6.Kd7? Rd4+! 7.Kc8 Rc4+! 8.Kb7 Rc7+! 9.Ka6 K*e7!) 6… Rh5 7.Sxa5! Rxa5 8.Kf8! Rh5
9.e8N+! draw – echo-chameleon transformation into a knight!)
Also in the PDF a d-section with 5 nice Maljutka's !
The (late) result of Sachova Skladba 2015-2016 tournament available.
Winner L. Salai, 2nd prize to J.Polasek with A. Fica, 3rd prize to Vladislav Tarasiuk.
In the Israeli Variantim 85 magazine interesting study articles by
Amatzia Avni, Gady Costeff and Michael Pasman
The Die Schwalbe 2019-2020 tournament is won by Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen.
He also won the 2nd prize !
3rd prize to Gunter Sonntag.
Amatzia Avni introduces his article in Chess Magazine issue Jan 2022 with 3 studies.
For the Jan Timman 70 Jubilee tournament
the first 5 prize winners are:
1. Michael Pasman
2. Yuri Bazlov
3. Steffen Nielsen
4. Geir Ostmoe
5. Pavel Arestov
The Moscow 2021 is won by Michael Pasman.
2nd prize for Pavel Arestov with Steffen Nielsen,
3rd prtize goes to Martin Minski and
4th prize to Jan Sprenger.
David Gurgenidze and Martin Minski win the 1st prize of the FRME 7th Moroccon 2021
2nd prize to Sergei Osintsev, 3rd prize to Pavel Arestov and Daniel Keith
For the Ukraine 20th Championship 2021 tournament there was this theme set:
After White's move, a position arises where three white pieces (rooks, bishops or knights) are attacked by one or more black pieces.
Attacked piece might be defended when it is threatened by a pawn.
The winners are:
1st place - Vladislav Tarasiuk
2nd place - Eduard Eilazyan
3rd place - Andrii Sergiienko, Vladislav Tarasiuk, Vladimir Samilo (joint)
Martin Minski with Michael Roxlau enjoy a drink from the Jenever bottle, which Martin did win in the 13th Arves Jenever contest.
(The position on the Chessboard is of there co-study, winning the 7th prize in the Sergey Zakharov MT 2021)
Martin Minski wins the prize for the Arves Jenever 13th 2021
Winners of the Magazine Zadachy i Etyudy 2020 tournament are
SN.Tkachenko with K.Shevchenko
In the Springaren 2019-2020 tournament
the first prize winner is Michael Pasman.
2nd prize for Lubos Kekely and Michal Hlinka and
3rd prize goes to Amatzia Avni and Vladislav Tarasiuk.
Jan Sprenger wins the first prize for the Magyar Sakkvilag 2021 tournament !
Winner of the Strategems 2021 tournament are the duo David Gurgenidze with Martin Minski,
Second prize for Franjo Vrabec.
See Awards Files
The results of the Problem Paradise 2020 Tournament.
In the section Win-studies the winners are Peter Krug and Petr Kyryakov with Pavel Arestov
In the section Draw-studies the winner is Jan Timman.
Martin Minski wins 1st prize in the StrateGems 2020
All studies now replayable
The Georgian tournament where 5 Composers are memorized,
has the preliminary results issued.
The tournaments consisted of five themes dedicated to each composer.
1) Gia Nadareishvili – Fight against black Queen
Georgia In Memory of Generation - Nadareishvili
Winners for Section 1 are: Sergei Didukh and Yuri Bazlov
2) Iosif Krikheli – Studies with thematic false attempt
Georgia In Memory of Generation - Krikheli
Winner of Section 2 is: Oleg Pervakov with Michael Gromov
3) Velimir Kalandadze – Rook endgame studies
Georgia In Memory of Generation - Kalandadze
Winner of Section 3 is: Jan Timman
4) Vazha Neidze – Stalemate studies
Georgia In Memory of Generation - Neidze
Winner of Section 4 is: Yuri Bazlov
5) Iuri Akobia – Checkmate studies
Georgia In Memory of Generation - Akobia
Winner of Section 5 is: Martin Minski with Jan Sprenger
Yuri Bazlov wins the 1st prize in the Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsia 2020 tournament,
2nd prize for Sergei Didukh,
3rd prize to Alexander Stavrietsky with VladislavTarasiuk and
4th prize to Sprenger, Jan 1982.
Winner of the 1st prize in the tournament: Curierul Problemistic 2018-2020 is Martin Minski.
Second prize for Pjotr Murdzia with Martin Minski (as well),
3rd prize for Vladimir Samilo.
Judit Polgar organizes a Chess Artistry Festival, see also at the Tournament Calendar
Closing date 31 July 2021!
Israeli magazine Variantim 83 is now available with studies by Alexander Zhukov and
the preliminary results of the Israeli Ring 2020 tournament:
1st prize winners Steffen Nielsen and Martin Minski.
2nd prize for Pavel Arestov and Petr Kiryakov.
Problemist of Ukraine 2019-2020 preliminary award available.
1st prize for Pavel Arestov. 2nd prize for Amatzia Avni and Martin Minski.
Studies to replay: Problemist Ukraine 2019-2020
Prize winners in the Phenix 2020 magazine tournament are:
Peter Gyarmaty with Mario Garcia and
Marco Campioli.
The first prize winners of the Probleemblad 2019-2020 tournament
are Steffen Nielsen and Martin Minski
with interesting Nowotny elements,
2nd prize goes to Michal Hlinka and Mario Garcia,
3rd prize winner is (also) for Steffen Nielsen,
4th prize goes to David Gurgenidze,
5th prize is for the duo Lubos Kekely and Michal Hlinka.
Steffen Nielsen with Martin Minski win the first prize of
the Magyar Sakkvilag 2020 Magazine tournament 2020.
Second prize goes to Yuri Bazlov.
Steffen Nielsen is the winner of the magazine Probleemblad 2017-2018 tournament.
Second prize for Oleg Pervakov.
3rd/4th prize to Peter Krug and Emil Melnichenko.
Peter Krug with Mario Garcia win the Vratnica-64 2019-2020 Magazine Tournament.
Second prize for Martin Minski.
The tournament of Československý šach 2020 is won by Andrzej Jasik,
2nd prize for Amatzia Avni
and 3rd prize to David Gurgenidze with Važa Neidze.
You may find the report (in Czech language) in the Award Files section.
Steffen Nielsen with Martin Minski win the Vratnica-64 2016-2018
For the Russian magazine Zadachy-i-Etyudy tournament
the award for 2019 is available:
Winners Mario Garcia with Peter Krug.
2nd prize: Vladislav Tarasiuk,
3rd prize: Amatzia Avni and Martin Minski
Alexey Popov and Pavel Arestov share the first/second prize
in the Vecherny Petersburg 2020 tournament.
Its about the ChessStar 2020 tournament award.
In 3 sections the winners are:
Peter Krug in the section of Win studies "up to 10 Pieces",
2nd prize goes to Pavel Arestov with Alexander Zhukov,
3rd prize to Richard Becker.
In the section Win studies with theme "more than 10 pieces":
1st prize goes to Sergey Osintsev,
2nd prize to Lubos kekely with Michal Hlinka,
3rd prize for Sergei Didukh.
In the section Draw studies the prize winners share the prizes 1-3:
Vladilav Tarasiuk with Pavel Arestov, Jan Timman and Richard Becker.
Sergei Didukh wins the first prize in the 64-Shakhmatnoe-Obozrenie-2020 tournament.
Second prize for Peter Krug.
Third prize for Pavel Arestov with Petr Kiryakov.
The results of 13th UAPA 2020 tournament:
In the theme section "One or two Rooks aganst Queen", the winner is Peter Krug with Pavel Arestov.
In the Win section: the winner is: Pavel Arestov with Daniel Keith.
In the Draw section: the winner is: Michael Pasman.
Replay at UAPA 13th 2020
S.Hornecker, M.Minski and Reddmann win the Moscow 2019 ty with a nice miniature.
2nd: M. Dore; 3rd: Gromov and O.Pervakov
The award for the Lubos Kekely 60 Jubilee Tournament is available as PDF.
Winners are Igor Yarmanov and A.Zhokiv with V. Lebedev.
PDF see Awards Files.
Pavel Arestov wins the 5th FRME 2019 tournament.
Second prize winners Avni with Martin Minski.
Martin Minski with Steffen Nielsen win the Phenix 2018 tournament.
In four sections the winners of the UAPA 8th 2019 Foguelman 95 MT are:
Richard Becker, Peter Krug & Mario Garcia, Jan Timman & Mario Garcia and Peter Krug.
Andrzej Jasik and Jan Timman win the Japanese magazine tournament: Problem Paradise 2018.
Studies to replay: Problem Paradise 2018
Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen and Martin Minski win the Romanian tournament Bucovina 100 Years Cup 2018.
At the website of e4-e5, from page 696 to 698 you find the result in PDF.
Studies to replay: e4-e5 100 Years Cup 2018
Jan Timman wins the Pal Benko 90 Jubilee Tournament.
Amos Gilboa and Yochanan Afek win the Velimir Kalandadze Memorial Ty 2019
Sergey Didukh winner of the 7th FIDE World Cup 2019 !
Arestov and Zhukov triumph in Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsiya 2018
The annual tourney of the russian chess problem periodical Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsiya saw the first and second prizes split between Pavel Arestov and Alexander Zhukov (both Russia). Arestov's study shows subtle logical play with the material RBB vs Q. In Zhukov's study White plays for stalemate already at move 4, but is not succesful until move 17. The succes of the Russian duo was emphasized by the fact the both composers won 3rd prize as well with a joint study. The tournament was judged by Sergey Osintsev who awarded 15 of 22 studies.
Tarasiuk and Garcia win the Israeli Ring Ty 2018
The 2018 tournament of the Israeli periodical Variantim, also known as the Israeli Ring Tourney, was judged by Peter Gyarmati (Hungary). He awarded 12 of 21 entries. First prize went to the Vladislav Tarasiuk (Ukraine) and Mario Guido Garcia (Argentina) with a large scale dramatic work encompassing the whole board. Second prize by Amatzia Avni (Israel) was a study showing a theoretical draw where Black despite being a piece up cannot improve his position. Finally third prize went to the Slovakian duo Kekely and Hlinka with another theoretical draw this time ending in stalemate. There were 4 honourable mentions and 5 commendations.
Read the award as PDF in Awards Files
Nielsen and Minski win the "E4 e5 100 Year Cup 2018" tournament
The 100 Year Cup 2018 was an informal tourney held by the Romanian magazine "E4 E5". The judge, Sergei Osintsev, awarded half of the 24 submitted studies for the tourney. First prize went to the Danish/German duo Steffen Nielsen and Martin Minski with a tactical and logical study inspired by one the most famous games of all time – Wilhelm Steinitz' win over Curt von Bardeleben at Hastings 1895. In second place came another duo: Pavel Arestov (Russia) and Daniel Keith (France) showing two minor promotions in miniature form, while Sergey Didukh (Ukraine) secured 3rd prize with a study showing both Black and White logical foresight
Polish Tourney 2018: Kuzmichev surprise winner with two spectacular studies
The annual tourney of the Polish Chess Federation was surprisingly dominated by Russian Vladimir Kuzmichev who won both 1st and 2nd prize.
The first prize study was a miniature with allumwandlung split up in two lines.
The study that secured Kuzmichev the double was almost as spectacular: White sacrificed four pieces in succession to win in style with his remaining promoted queen.
There were also prizes to Minski/Nielsen (3rd), Gurgenidze/Minski (4th) and Gromov/Pervakov (5th). The judge, Jan Rusinek, evaluated a total of 49 studies. The preliminary award (PDF in Polish).
Arpad Rusz (Romania) wins Problemist Ukraine 2017-18
The award is ready for the biannual endgame study tournament of the periodical Problemist Ukraine.
The tournament of 2017-18 was judged by Sergei Osintsev, who awarded first prize to Arpad Rush for rook study showing asymmetry and long foresight.
Second prize went to the German duo Wieland Bruch and Martin Minski for a new interpertration of the age old theme of smothered mate.
The third prize study by Steffen Nielsen showed a new rook sacrifice in a R+P vs R+P ending. All in all the tournament saw 24 studies, of which all but 7 were awarded.
Michail Hlinka and Mario Garcia win the Ceskoslovensky Sach 2018 magazine tournament: Ceskoslovensky Sach 2018
Djurasevic and Campioli win Steniczka 90-MT – 12 year old Christopher Yoo wins his first prize
The award of the Helmut Steniczka 90 Memorial Tournament is now available here: Steniczka 90 MT 2019.
The tournament was judged by Peter Krug (Austria).
The winner of the win section was Branislav Djurasevic (Serbia), showing a series of surprises with the difficult material NNB vs R.
In the draw section Marco Campioli (Italy) was succesful with an eventful 30 move study.
The tournament also saw a young newcomer to the scene of study tournaments.
American Christopher Yoo won 3rd prize in the win section and even cemented his succesful debut with a special honourable mention in the draw section.
Christopher Yoo is an OTB FM with a current rating of 2426, making him the 8th highest rated U14 player in the world.
Christopher Yoo
(picture taken by Austin Fuller for the Saint Louis Chess Club)
All in all 43 studies from 23 composers competed.
Final award for the Michal Hlinka 65 Jubilee Tournament available, Hlinka 65 JT 2019.
See also:
Winner in Section A: Yuri Bazlov
and co-winners in section B: Jaroslav Polasek, Martin Minski & Oleg Pervakov and Geir S.Tallaksen Ostmoe.
Oleg Pervakov is the winner of Persitz MT 2019
The Raaphi Persitz MT 2019 saw 37 studies judged by Amatzia Avni who described the tournament as being "of mixed quality".
The winner was Oleg Pervakov (Russia) ahead of Yuri Bazlov (Russia) in second and the German/Danish duo Martin Minski and Steffen Nielsen in third.
All three studies were highly tactical with mutual sacrifices. Jan Timman won a special prize for a surprising finish
showing two consecutive en passant captures closing defensive lines to the mating square.
Rusz, Bruch and Minski win the Attila Koranyi Memorial tournament
The provisional award for the 2018 informal tourney of the magazine Magyar Sakkvilag is ready.
The tournament in honour of Attila Koranyi was won by two studies.
Arpad Rusz (Romania) showed a tactical study with a knight shockingly interfering two lines at once while sacrificing a queen.
The other, highly, unusual first prize study by Wieland Bruch and Martin Minski (both Germany) had a mainline of only four action-packed moves.
The tournament was judged by Peter Gyarmati (Hungary).
Koranyi MT 2018 (studies replayable)
40 contestants for the WCCI 2016-2018
The deadline of entries for the WCCI 2016-18 study section has come and gone. 40 composers from a total of 16 countries,
including the top three finishers from the last championship, have submitted between 4 and 6 of their best studies for the
given period, and are now fighting for the titel of World Champion. The number of contestants for the previous championship was 35.
The competing composers in alphabetical order:
Afek, Yochanan (Israel); Aliev, Ilham (Azerbaijan) Arestov, Pavel (Russia), Avni, Amatzia(Israel); Bazlov, Yuri (Russia); Becker, Richard (USA); Borodavkin, Sergey(Ukraine); Didukh, Sergiy (Ukraine); Djurasevic, Branislav (Serbia); Gasparyan, Aleksey (Armenia); Gatti, Daniele (Italy); Gonzalez, Luis Miguel (Spain); Hlebec, Darko (Serbia); Ilincic, Borislav (Serbia); Jasik, Andrzej (Poland); Kalashnikov, Valery (Russia); Keith, Daniel (France); Khramtsevich, Mikhail (Belarus); Kopylov, Evgeny (Russia); Krug, Peter (Austria); Miljanic, Mirko (Serbia); Miloseski, Bosko (Macedonia); Minski, Martin (Germany); Neistadt, Vladimir (Russia); Nielsen, Steffen Slumstrup (Denmark); Oganesjan, Alexey (Russia); Ostmoe, Geir Sune Tallaksen (Norway); Pervakov, Oleg (reigning Champion, Russia); Popov, Alexei (Russia); Popov, Grigory (Russia); Rusz, Arpad (Romania); Samilo, Vladimir (Ukraine); Skripnik, Anatoly (Russia); Sochnev, Alexey (Russia); Syzonenko, Viktor (Ukraine); Stavrietskiy, Aleksandr (Russia); Tarasiuk, Vladislav (Ukraine); Topko, Leonid (Ukraine); Villeneuve, Alain (France); Yarmonov, Igor (Ukraine);
See the entries at the WFCC website.
The five judges, Martin Minski (Germany), Harold van der Heijden (The Netherlands), Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen (Denmark), Arpad Rusz (Romania) and Peter Gyarmati (Hungary) now have until May 31th, 2019 to finish their verdicts. The final results will be published on June 30th, 2019 at the latest.
Due to the change of Judge the Provisional Award (planned for 15 Jan) for the Benko 90 JT will be delayed.
Nielsen wins ChessStar 2018
The annual tourney of the website was won by Steffen Nielsen (Denmark) with a tactical battle ending in a subtle bishop endgame.
The duo Pervakov/Sumbatyan secured 2nd prize with a logical study where a seemingly anonymous pawn on h7 plays the central role.
The tourney was judged by Sergiy Didukh.
23 studies participated. The award (in Russian).
FIDE Album 2016-2018 announcement
Composers are invited to submit their best studies for the FIDE Album 2016-18
Read the announcement on the WFCC Website
Also to be found by Menu-tab Awards
15-12-2018: Pavel Arestov and Aleksandr Zhukov are the winners of the Shahmat Bestechiliyi 15 JT 2018
26-11-2018: Vladislav Tarasiuk is the winner of the 6th FIDE World Cup 2018 !
25-11-2018: 19th Ukraine championship won by Vladislav Tarasiuk.
Ukraine 19th Championship 2018
In the draw section (22 studies) the winners are David Gurgenidze (Georgia) and Martin Minski (Germany)with a tactical study ending up in a spectacular stalemate reminding us of a famous study by Gurgenidze himself from 1985 (HHDBV # 28338; Polish Chess Federation Tourney, 1st prize).
The second prize winner is a surprise, namely Marc Gelly, a French composer who up until now has no study to his name in the Harold van der Heijden database.
Third prize is won by Marco Campioli (Italy) in typically eventful and dramatic style.
The judge for both the win and the draw section was Michal Hlinka (Slovakia).
24-11-2018: Provisional award: Caputto-95 JT 2018 UAPA 7th
Martin Minski wins The Problemist tournament 2016-2017
22-11-2018: Replay all the studies here: The Problemist 2016-2017
The Moscow Tournament of 2018 is won by Romanian Arpad Rusz
with a highly original rook endgame resulting in a mating attack after mutual queen promotions.
The move 4. Rh1!!, in comparison to the try 4. Rf1?, the composer describes as a "pseudo-Turton", securing that the (not yet promoted) queen gets decisive access to a8 from g8.
All in all, 30 studies competed and judge Sergey Osintsev decided to award 5 prizes (1 special prize).
22-11-2018: Moscow 2018
Pervakov and Didukh win the 2018 Batumi Chess Olympiad
An endgame study tourney was held in connection with the 2018 Batumi Chess Olympiad.
There were two sections, both judged by International Arbiter David Gurgenidze.
The win section was won by Oleg Pervakov with an epic tactical study featuring a suble logical try.
In the draw section Sergey Didukh was succesful with a logical study showing long foresight effect in a knight endgame.
The awards are awailable here (in PDF):
21-11-2018: Gravure 2018
The study section of the Gravure tourney 2018 saw the Russian duo Oleg Pervakov and Mikhail Gromov winning ahead of a field of 18 composers.
Gravure is a traditional cross genre tourney requiring studies and problems with 8-10 pieces.
The winning study shows a highly suprising tactic (9. Rg5!!) as well a thematic try where a similar move (9. Rh5+) fails to work.
The second prize went to Sergei Osintsev, likewise from Russia. Oleg Pervakov secured another strong tournament result winning third prize.
18-11-2018: Provisional award 4th Royal Maroc Chess Federation: FMRE 4th Moroccan 2018
17-10-2018: Kondratyuk 70 MT 2018
2-10-2018: Die Schwalbe 2016
30-9-2018: Pat a Mat 2016-2017
and Problem Paradise 2016-2017.
17-9-2018: 3rd Youth Chess Composing Challenge 2018
Provisional award JIRTDAN 2018.
16-9-2018: Hillel Aloni 80 MT 2017 (Updated 15.10.2018)
27-8-2018: Uralski Problemist 25 JT 2018
Only author is Mirko Miljanić from Serbia and this is not joint composition with Branislav Djurašević.
1-9-2018: Mario G. Garcia 70 JT 2018, (Updated 2-11-2018)
two sections: Wins: Garcia 70 JT 2018 A , Draws: Garcia 70 JT 2018 B
20-8-2018: UAPA 6th 2018
18-8-2018: Yerevan-2800 JT 2018
27-7-2018: Award Tarasiuk 50 JT 2018
15-7-2018: Paul Joitsa 80 MT 2017
6-7-2018: Phenix 2017
25-6-2018: StrateGems 2017
11-6-2017: German magazine Schach 2016-2017
14-5-2017: Magyar Sakkvilag 2017.
9-5-2018: Variantim April 2018 with Hoch 70 JT - Israeli Ring Ty Studies 2016 (partly in Hebrew).
28-4-2018: Zinchuk-80 MT 2018 (Russian PDF).
Also published in "Problemist of Ukraine", N2/2018.
26-3-2018: Halberstadt 50 MT 2017.
18-3-2017: Ceskoslovensky Sach 2017
17-3-2017: Samir Badalov-55 MT 2017.
15-3-2018: Stigter-64 JT 2017.
12-3-2018: Sosiura 120 MT 2017.
24-2-2018: Babich 110 MT and Olimpiev 80 MT 2017.
17-2-2018: ChessStar 2017.
14-2-2018: Polish Chess Federation 2017.
29-1-2018: UAPA 5th 2017.
16-1-2018: Magazine Ty EG 2016-2017
15-01-2018: e4-e5 10 JT 2017 (pdf page 625).
5-1-2018: Peter Krug 50 JT 2017
Georgian Internet TT 2014.
22-12-2017: Andrew Malyshko 105 MT (PDF en PGN in Russian),
Mark Dvoretsky 70 MT (PGN in russian) report at website of Sergei Didukh.
18-12-2017: Arves 9th Jenever Ty 2016,
Joaquín Pérez de Arriaga 85 JT,
Tehtavaniekka 2014‒2016.
15.12-2017: (PDF in Russian and summary in English) Armenia 1st Cup 2017.
14.12.2017 Final award Jan Timman 65 JT, two sections: Jan Timman 65 JT Section1 and Jan Timman 65 JT Section2
7.12.2017 Zadachy i Etyudi 2016.
and here are 20 best studies: 10th World Chess Composition Tournament 2015-2017 Preliminary.
WCCT 10 Entries available here.