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Historie ARVES
Problemist Ukraine 2024
Avni-70 JT 2024
Sergey Osintsev-JT 64
Finales Y Temas 138
Finales Y Temas 137
Babson Task by Gady Costeff
Liptovsky Mikulas 2024
Hornecker MT 2024
UAPA 23rd 2024
FRME 6th TT 2024
Finales Y Temas 136
SŠZ 100 JT 2024
The Problemist 2023
Sachova Skladba 2023
Jirtdan 2024
Chess Artistry Adventure 2024
Die Schwalbe 2021-2022
8th YCCC 2024
Congress Polish Chess Composers 2024
Finales Y Temas 135
Chess Artistry Adventure in memory of Pal Benko 2022
Finales Y Temas 134
Vratnica-64 2023
Problem Paradise 2023
Pat a Mat 2022-2023
Tehtavaniekka 2023
Variantim 2023
UAPA 22th 2023
Finales Y Temas 133
Sachova Skladba 2022
Schach 2022-2023
Bilokin 85 MT
The Macedonian Problemist 2023
Nosek 70 JT
Oploswedstrijd 2024
Studies awarded for the Nikolay Griva 70 Jubilee Tournament.
[Event "Dedicated to the jubilarian"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Zhukov, Aleksandr"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "2K5/8/6P1/2k1B3/8/8/8/3r4 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "9"] [EventDate "2023"] [SourceVersionDate "2023.04.03"] {Dedicated to the jubilarian. Ths study did not participate at the tournament. } 1. Bg3 $3 (1. Bh2 $2 Rd2 $11 (1... Re1 $11)) (1. Bf4 $2 Kc6 2. g7 Rg1 $1 $11) (1. g7 $2 Rg1 $11) 1... Rd3 (1... Rd5 2. Bf4 $3 Rf5 3. g7 $1 $18) 2. Bf4 $3 { Twice Schultz, named after a wonderful superminiature composed by the Czech composer Jindrich Schultz, about Mark Dvoretski wrote: It is not so much the game of White that delights here, but the paradox of the situation that has arisen. The rook has two tempi to reach via the a-file the 8th rank, but is not able to stop the Pawn, all paths are blocked. That means Black has a rook and the right to move, but cannot resist against a Bishop and a Pawn on the sixth(!) rank. In this malytka this unbéliefable sitiuation repeats - after 1. Bh3!! and after 2. Bf4!! It's unimaginable, but it's true!} (2. Bh2 $2 Rd2 $1 { The oly move that saves.}) (2. Bb8 $2 Rd2 $1 {Again, the oly move to draw.}) ( 2. Be5 $2 {After this switch-back by the Bishop, again saves} Rd2 $1) (2. Bf2+ $2 {Anew Black has an unique response.} Kc6 $1 3. g7 Ra3 $1 4. Kb8 Rb3+ $1 5. Ka8 Ra3+ $1 6. Kb8 Rb3+ $1 7. Kc8 Ra3 $1) 2... Ra3 3. g7 Ra8+ 4. Bb8 Kc6 5. g8=Q {I wish the jubilarian health ans success in his chess literature area..} 1-0
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[Event "1st Prize Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Osintsev, Sergey Nikolaevich"] [Black "+"] [Result "1-0"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "2k5/2p5/8/8/8/K7/2r5/Q7 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "27"] [EventDate "2023"] {Das gesamte Spiel basiert auf Festungsvermeidung unter maximaler Raumnutzung und endet in Mattunfällen. Genial} 1. Qh8+ $1 ({Try} 1. Qf6 $6 {obstructs Rc6} Rh2 $3 2. Qf8+ Kb7 3. Qf3+ Kb8 $1 4. Qf8+ Kb7 5. Qb4+ Kc8 6. Qf4 Rh8 $1 ({or} 6... Rh3+ 7. Ka4 Rh8) 7. Qg4+ Kb8 $1 $11) (1. Qe5 $2 Rc6 $1 2. Qe8+ Kb7 3. Qe4 Kb6 4. Ka4 Rd6 $1 5. Qb4+ {Position A1, but...} Ka7 $1 $11 {fortress} (5... Ka6 $2 6. Qb8 $1 Rd4+ 7. Kb3 c6 8. Qc7 Kb5 9. Qb7+ Kc5 10. Qa7+ Kd5 11. Qe7 $18) ( 5... Kc6 $4 6. Qb5#)) ({Try} 1. Qh1 $6 {obstructs Rc6} Rc3+ $1 2. Kb4 Rd3 $1 3. Qa8+ Kd7 4. Qa4+ Kd8 $1 5. Qa8+ Kd7 6. Qe4 Rd6 7. Qf5+ Kd8 (7... Kc6 $4 8. Qb5# ) 8. Kb5 Rb6+ $11 {fortress}) 1... Kb7 2. Qh1+ $1 (2. Qe5 $2 Rc6 $1 3. Qd5 Kb6 $11) 2... Rc6 3. Ka4 $1 ({Logical try} 3. Kb4 $2 Kb6 4. Qe4 Rd6 $1 5. Qa8 Rd4+ $1 6. Kc3 Rd6 7. Kc4 (7. Qb8+ {Position A2, but...} Kc6 {no mate Qb5??}) 7... Rc6+ $1 8. Kd5 Rd6+ $1 9. Ke5 Rh6 $1 (9... Rg6 $2 10. Qb8+ Kc6 11. Qe8+ $18) 10. Qb8+ Kc6 11. Qf8 Rd6 12. Qc8 Kb6 13. Qa8 Rh6 14. Qc8 Rd6 $11 {fortress}) 3... Kb6 4. Qg1+ (4. Qe4 $2 Rd6 5. Qb4+ Ka7 $1 $11) (4. Qb1+ $2 Ka7 $11) 4... Kb7 ({or} 4... Ka6 5. Qg2 Kb6 6. Qf2+ Ka6 7. Qf3 Kb6 8. Qe3+ Kb7 9. Qe4) 5. Qg2 $1 Kb6 6. Qf2+ (6. Qb2+ $2 Ka7 $11) 6... Kb7 7. Qf3 Kb6 8. Qe3+ (8. Qb3+ $2 Ka7 $11) (8. Kb4 $2 Rd6 9. Qa8 Rd4+ $1 10. Kc3 Rd6 $11 {fortress}) 8... Kb7 9. Qe4 Kb6 10. Qd4+ (10. Qb4+ $2 Ka7 $11) 10... Ka6 11. Qd5 (11. Qd3+ $2 Ka7 12. Qe3+ Rb6 $11 {fortress}) 11... Rd6 {achieved?} (11... Rb6 12. Qa8#) 12. Qa8+ $1 {no! } Kb6 13. Qb8+ {Ka7 prevented.} Kc6 14. Qb5# $1 1-0
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[Event "2nd Prize Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Hlinka / Kekely, Michal / Ľuboš"] [Black "="] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/6p1/1k3r2/7K/5B2/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "23"] [EventDate "2022"] {Dieses Kunstwerk lebt von der wohlbegründeten Auswahl des 3. Zuges durch Weiß und dem Versteckspiel des Läufers. Das gefällt.} 1. Be3+ (1. Kg5 $2 Re6 2. Bd2 Re2 3. Bc3 Rg2+ $19) (1. Be5 $2 Rf5+ 2. Kg6 Rxe5 $19) 1... Kc6 2. Bd4 Kd5 {Riposte} 3. Bb2 $1 (3. Bxf6 $2 gxf6 4. Kg4 Ke4 $19) (3. Bc3 $2 g6+ 4. Kg5 Rf3 5. Bg7 Rg3+ 6. Kf6 g5 7. Kf5 g4 8. Kf4 (8. Bh6 Rh3 $1 9. Bf4 g3 $1 $19) 8... Rg1 9. Bh6 Ke6 10. Bg5 Kf7 11. Bh4 Kg6 12. Bg3 Kh5 $19) 3... g6+ (3... Ke6 4. Kg5 Rf7 5. Kg6 $11) 4. Kg5 Rf2 (4... Ra6 5. Bf6 $11) 5. Bg7 $1 (5. Bc3 $2 Rg2+ $19) 5... Rg2+ 6. Kf6 (6. Kh6 $2 Ke6 $19) 6... g5 7. Kf5 ({or} 7. Bh6 g4 8. Kf5 {as main}) 7... g4 8. Bh6 $1 (8. Kf4 $2 Rc2 9. Kg3 (9. Kxg4 Rg2+ 10. Kf5 Rxg7 $19) 9... Rc4 10. Bh6 Ke5 $19) 8... g3 (8... Rh2 9. Bf4 $1 $11 {Therefore, the rook had to be steered to the 2nd row in the 3rd move.}) 9. Kg4 Rg1 (9... Ke4 10. Bf4 $11) 10. Kf3 {draw, for example} g2 11. Bg5 ({or} 11. Bg7) 11... Ke6 12. Kf2 1/2-1/2
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[Event "3rd Prize Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Kuzmichev, Vladimir Viktorovich"] [Black "+"] [Result "1-0"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/1k4p1/8/6P1/N7/8/8/1K6 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "11"] [EventDate "2023"] 1. Nc5+ {Die Widerlegung des Probespiels durch Aufbau einer Festung zwingt, nach einem versteckten Weg zu suchen, das Gewinnpotential zu wahren. Überraschend!} (1. Kc2 $2 Kc6 $1 2. Nc3 Kd6 $1 3. Kd3 Ke5 $1 4. Ne4 Kf5 $1 ( 4... Kf4 5. Kd4 $1 Kf5 6. Kd5 $1 Kf4 7. Ke6 $1 {offers the Knight and wins}) 5. Ke3 {White has managed to defend the pawn and seems to win} Kg4 6. Kd4 Kf4 $1 7. Kd5 Kf5 $1 $11 {fortress}) 1... Kc6 2. Ne6 Kd6 3. Nf8 $1 Ke7 4. Ng6+ Ke6 5. Nh8 $1 Kf5 (5... g6 {loses, i. e.} 6. Kc2 Kf5 7. Nf7 Ke6 8. Nh6 $1 Ke5 9. Kd3 Kf4 10. Nf7 $18) 6. g6 1-0
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[Event "4th Prize Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Rewitz, Poul"] [Black "="] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "4k3/6p1/1K6/8/8/3r4/7R/8 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "27"] [EventDate "2022"] 1. Kb5 $1 {Der nicht sofort zu erschließende Schlüsselzug bildet den Auftakt zu einer theoretisch interessanten Diskussion der Frontalverteidigung, welche in den Zügen 10 und 11 kulminiert. Spannend!} (1. Kc5 $2 Ke7 ({or} 1... Kf7 2. Rf2+ Ke6 3. Rg2 Kf6 4. Rf2+ Ke5 $1) 2. Re2+ Kf6 3. Rf2+ Ke5 $1 4. Rg2 Rc3+ $1 5. Kb5 (5. Kb4 Rc7 $19) 5... Kf6 6. Rf2+ Ke6 7. Rg2 Kf7 8. Rf2+ Kg8 $19) 1... Kf7 (1... Rd1 2. Kc4 g6 3. Rh7 $11) (1... g6 2. Kc4 Rd1 3. Rh7 $11) 2. Rf2+ Ke6 3. Rg2 (3. Re2+ $2 Kf5 $1 4. Rf2+ Kg4 $19) 3... Kf6 4. Rf2+ Ke5 5. Rg2 Kf6 ( 5... Rd7 6. Rg1 $11 ({or} 6. Kc6 Ra7 7. Kb6 Rf7 8. Rg1 $11)) 6. Rf2+ Kg6 7. Rg2+ Kh7 8. Rh2+ Kg8 9. Rg2 Rc3 (9... Rd1 10. Kc4 $11) (9... Rd7 10. Rg1 $11) 10. Rg1 $1 {mutual zugzwamg} Rc7 11. Ra1 $1 (11. Rd1 $2 g6 $1 $19) 11... g6 ( 11... g5 12. Rg1 $11) 12. Kb6 Rc3 (12... Rf7 13. Kc5 Kg7 14. Kd4 $11) (12... Rd7 13. Kc6 Rd2 14. Ra7 $11) 13. Ra7 g5 14. Ra5 $11 1/2-1/2
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[Event "5th Prize Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "González, Luis Miguel"] [Black "= Black to move"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "7r/1P2B3/8/8/2k5/8/8/K7 b - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "22"] [EventDate "2023"] {Im Kampf beider Gladiatoren gegen eine schwarze Bestie opfert sich der Tapfere, um den Listigen in ein zweites Leben beamen zu lassen und zu überleben. Phantastisch!} 1... Kb3 2. Bh4 $1 (2. b8=Q+ $2 Rxb8 3. Kb1 Re8 4. Bh4 Rh8 5. Be1 Rh1 $19) 2... Kc2 $1 (2... Rb8 3. Kb1 $1 Rxb7 4. Kc1 $11) 3. Bg5 $1 ({Not} 3. Bf6 $2 Rh5 $1 4. Bd8 Rh6 5. b8=N Kb3 $1 $19) (3. Be7 $2 Rb8 $1 4. Ka2 Rxb7 5. Bc5 Rb5 $19) 3... Rg8 (3... Rb8 4. Ka2 Rxb7 5. Ka3 Kc3 6. Bf6+ $1 $11) 4. Bf4 $1 (4. Bf6 $2 Rg4 $1 $19) 4... Rg6 $1 5. b8=N $1 Rg4 6. Ka2 $1 Rxf4 7. Ka3 Kc3 (7... Rc4 8. Nd7 $1 Kc3 9. Nb6 $11) 8. Nc6 $1 (8. Na6 $2 Rc4 $1 $19) 8... Rc4 9. Na5 Rb4 {with a well known finale} 10. Nc6 Rb6 11. Na5 Rb1 12. Ka4 $1 1/2-1/2
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[Event "Honorable Mention Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Kuzmichev, Vladimir Viktorovich"] [Black "="] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/7p/8/R1K1k3/7r/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "27"] [EventDate "2023"] {Doppelte Verlagerung der zum Abschuss bereiten Batterie, gepaart mit sehenswerten Turmopfern. Am Ende verflacht das Spiel. Apart!} 1. Kc6+ (1. Ra8 $2 h5 $1 $19) 1... Ke6 $1 2. Ra6 $1 Rh5 $1 (2... h6 $1 3. Kb5+ $1 Kf5 4. Rc6 h5 5. Rc5+ Kg4 (5... Kf6 6. Rc6+ $1 Kg7 7. Rc7+ $1 $11) 6. Kb4 $1 Rh3 7. Rc4+ Kf3 8. Rc3+ Kg2 9. Rc2+ Kf1 10. Rc1+ Ke2 11. Rc2+ Kd1 12. Ra2 $11 (12. Rb2 $11)) ( 2... h5 3. Kc7+ $1 Ke7 4. Kc6 $11) (2... Kf5 3. Ra5+ Kf6 4. Ra6 $1 Rf4 5. Kd5+ $1 Kg5 6. Ke5 $1 h5 7. Rg6+ $1 $11 {Rook offer}) 3. Kc7+ $1 Ke7 4. Ra7 $1 Rh1 ( 4... Ke6 5. Ra6+ Kf7 6. Ra7 $1 Rf5 7. Kd6+ Kg6 8. Ke6 h5 9. Rg7+ $1 $11 { Chameleon echo Rook offer}) 5. Kc8+ $1 (5. Kc6+ Ke6 6. Kc5 Rh4) 5... Kf6 6. Ra6+ Kg5 7. Ra5+ Kg4 8. Ra4+ Kg3 9. Ra3+ Kh4 10. Ra4+ Kg5 11. Ra5+ Kg6 $1 12. Ra6+ Kf7 13. Ra7+ Ke8 14. Kc7 $1 1/2-1/2
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[Event "Honorable Mention Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Kuzmichev, Vladimir Viktorovich"] [Black "+"] [Result "1-0"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/8/8/7q/1K3Q2/8/5N2/6k1 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "17"] [EventDate "2023"] {Erstaunlich, wie die weißen Figuren die Macht der schwarzen Dame einschränken und den Weg des weißen Königs in die Mattzone begleiten. Beeindruckend!} 1. Qg3+ $1 Kf1 2. Ng4 $3 {droht 3.Df2#.} Qf7 (2... Ke2 3. Qe3+ $1 Kd1 4. Nf2+ $1 Kc2 5. Qc3+ $1 Kb1 6. Ne4 $1 {droht 7.Sd2+ Ka2 8.Qa3#} Qg4 ( 6... Qh4 7. Kb3 $1) 7. Ka3 $1) (2... Qf5 3. Ne3+) 3. Kc3 $1 {a checks provoking move} Qg7+ 4. Kc2 $1 Qh7+ 5. Kc1 Qf7 (5... Qa7 6. Nh2+ $1 Ke2 7. Qf3+ $1 Ke1 8. Qf1#) 6. Qh3+ Ke1 7. Qh4+ $1 Ke2 (7... Kf1 8. Qh1+ $1 Ke2 9. Qd1#) 8. Qh2+ Kd3 9. Ne5+ 1-0
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[Event "Honorable Mention Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Kuzmichev, Vladimir Viktorovich"] [Black "+"] [Result "1-0"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "1b1K4/8/Pk6/8/8/7R/8/8 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "25"] [EventDate "2023"] {Auch hier widerlegt eine Festung das Probespiel. Der Gewinn führt über ein Duell beider Figuren. Der Bauer bleibt wegen des verlorenen Qualitätsendspiels jeweils unantastbar. Paradox!} 1. Rb3+ $1 (1. Ra3 $2 Ka7 $1 2. Kd7 Be5 (2... Bh2) 3. Kc6 Bd4 $1 {positional draw The Pawn guards the black King against attacks on the a-file. The Bishop prevents on his diagonal Pawn moves.}) 1... Ka7 $1 {the Bishop has to reach the drawing diagonal a7-g1} 2. Kd7 $1 ({Not} 2. Rb7+ $2 Ka8 $1 3. Kd7 Ba7 $11 {positional draw}) {a)} 2... Be5 (2... Bh2 3. Rb7+ $1 Ka8 (3... Kxa6 4. Kc6 $1 Ka5 5. Rb5+ Ka4 6. Kc5 $1 Bg3 ( 6... Ka3 7. Kc4 $1 Bf4 8. Rb3+ $1 Ka4 (8... Ka2 9. Kc3 $1) 9. Rf3 $1 Bc7 10. Rf7 {echo}) 7. Kc4 $1 Bf4 8. Rf5 $1 Bc1 9. Rf1 Bb2 10. Rf8 $1) 4. Rb1 $1 { covers g1} Be5 5. Rd1 Bf4 6. Re1 Bg3 7. Re2 $18) (2... Bf4 3. Kc6 $1 (3. Rb7+ $2 Kxa6 $1 4. Kc6 Ka5 $1)) 3. Rb7+ $1 (3. Kc6 $2 {too hasty} Bd4 $1 4. Rb7+ Ka8 $1 $11) 3... Ka8 (3... Kxa6 {leads to a lost quality endgame} 4. Kc6 Bf6 5. Rf7 Bc3 6. Rf3) 4. Rb4 $1 {covers d4} Bg3 5. Rb2 Be5 6. Rd2 Bf4 7. Re2 Ka7 8. Kc6 $18 {i. e.} Bg3 9. Kb5 Bd6 10. Re6 Bg3 11. Re7+ Ka8 12. a7 Bf2 13. Ka6 $1 1-0
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[Event "Honorable Mention Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Borodavkin, Serhij Ivanovich"] [Black "="] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "2Q5/8/8/8/8/8/pq6/k6K w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "17"] [EventDate "2023"] {Die Rückkehrmanöver von Dame und König beeindrucken. Leider erklärt der Autor die Zugzwangsituationen nicht. Das mindert den Wert.} 1. Qc6 $1 {zugzwang } Qh8+ (1... Kb1 2. Qg6+ Qc2 3. Qb6+ Ka1 4. Qf6+ Kb1 5. Qb6+ Qb2 6. Qg6+ Ka1 7. Qc6 $1 {returns to zugzwang Black to move}) 2. Kg2 Qg7+ 3. Kh3 $1 (3. Kh1 $2 Qb2 {zugzwang White to move}) 3... Qh8+ (3... Qh7+ 4. Kg2 Qg7+ 5. Kh3 {!} Qb2 6. Qc4 {!} Kb1 7. Qf1+ Qc1 8. Qb5+ Qb2 9. Qf1+ Qc1 10. Qb5+ $11) 4. Kg2 Qb2+ 5. Kh1 $1 {zugzwang Black to move} Qh8+ 6. Kg2 Qb8 7. Qc1+ Qb1 $1 8. Qc6 {returns to zugzwang Black to move} Qb2+ (8... Qd1 9. Qc3+ Kb1 10. Qb4+ Kc1 11. Qa3+ Kb1 12. Qb4+ Kc1 13. Qa3+ Kb1 14. Qb4+ $11 {repetition of moves due to the hanging Pawn a2}) 9. Kh1 $1 {returns to zugzwang Black to move} 1/2-1/2
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[Event "Honorable Mention Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Kuzmichev, Vladimir Viktorovich"] [Black "="] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/8/7K/7P/8/1p6/3k2P1/8 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "10"] [EventDate "2023"] 1. g4 $1 {Ohne den Bauern g2 wäre das Remis elementar. Diese störende weiße Kraft erlaubt im Spielverlauf neue Pattwendungen, in erstaunlicher Häufung.} ( 1. Kg7 $2 b2 2. h6 b1=Q 3. h7 Qb2+ 4. Kg8 $1 Qb8+ 5. Kg7 Qe5+ 6. Kg8 Qg5+ 7. Kf7 {or K~} Qh6 8. Kg8 Qg6+ 9. Kh8 $1 Qf7 {Pawn g2 prevents the stalemate.} 10. g3 Qf8#) 1... b2 2. g5 $1 b1=Q 3. g6 $1 Qf5 (3... Qb3 4. Kh7 $1 Qd3 5. h6 $1 ( 5. Kh8 $2 Qh3 $1 $19) 5... Ke3 6. Kh8 $1 Qxg6 (6... Qd8+ 7. Kh7 Kf4 8. g7 Qe7 9. Kh8 Kg5 10. g8=Q+ Kxh6 11. Qe6+ Qxe6 {stalemate}) 7. h7 $1 Qg1 {or Qg~ or K~ stalemate} (7... Qf7 {stalemate})) 4. g7 $1 Qf7 5. g8=Q $1 Qxg8 {stalemate} 1/2-1/2
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[Event "Honorable Mention Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Osintsev, Sergey Nikolaevich"] [Black "+"] [Result "1-0"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/1K6/2p5/7p/8/8/7k/R7 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "19"] [EventDate "2023"] {Deses Turmendspiel ist einzig über die Erhaltung nützlicher schwarzer Kraft, Pattvermeidung und technisch exaktes Spiel zu gewinnen. Simpel und schön!} 1. Ra8 $1 (1. Kxc6 $2 h4 2. Kd5 h3 3. Ke4 Kg2 4. Ra2+ Kg3 5. Ra3+ Kg2 6. Kf4 h2 7. Ra2+ Kh3 8. Ra1 Kg2 $11) (1. Ra5 $2 c5 $1 (1... h4 $2 2. Rg5 $1 c5 3. Kc6 c4 4. Kd5 c3 5. Ke4 c2 6. Rc5 Kg3 7. Kf5 $1 h3 8. Rc3+ $1 Kh4 9. Rxc2 Kg3 10. Rc3+ $1 Kh4 (10... Kg2 11. Kg4 h2 12. Rc2+ Kg1 13. Kg3 $18) 11. Kf4 $1 h2 12. Rc1 $1 ( 12. Rc8 $2 Kh3 13. Rc3+ Kg2 14. Rc2+ Kh3 $1 $11 {positional draw}) 12... Kh3 13. Kf3 $18) 2. Rxc5 h4 3. Rg5 h3 4. Kc6 Kh1 5. Kd5 h2 6. Ke4 {stalemate}) 1... Kg3 (1... h4 2. Rg8 $1 h3 3. Kc7 $3 (3. Kxc6 $2 Kh1 4. Kd5 h2 5. Ke4 {stalemate }) 3... c5 4. Kd6 c4 5. Ke5 c3 6. Kf4 c2 7. Rc8 $18 {i. e.} Kg1 8. Rxc2 (8. Kg3 h2 9. Rxc2) 8... h2 9. Kg3 $18) 2. Rg8+ $1 Kf3 3. Rh8 (3. Rf8+ {wasts time} Kg3 4. Rg8+ Kf3) 3... Kg4 4. Kb6 $3 (4. Kxc6 $2 h4 5. Kd5 Kg3 6. Ke4 h3 7. Ke3 Kg2 $1 8. Rg8+ Kf1 $1 9. Rh8 Kg2 10. Ke2 h2 11. Rg8+ Kh1 $1 12. Rg7 {stalemate}) 4... h4 5. Kc5 h3 6. Kd4 Kg3 7. Ke3 Kg2 (7... h2 8. Rg8+ Kh3 9. Kf2 $1 h1=N+ 10. Kf3 $1 $18) 8. Ke2 $1 (8. Rg8+ {wasts time} Kf1 9. Rh8 Kg2) 8... h2 9. Rg8+ Kh3 (9... Kh1 {no stalemate}) 10. Kf2 $18 1-0
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[Event "Honorable Mention Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Ulrichsen, Jarl Henning"] [Black "="] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "7K/1p3k2/8/8/8/p7/5B2/8 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "19"] [EventDate "2023"] {Zwei Echovarianten nach paradoxem Schlüssel. Diese Studie ist ganz im Sinne des Jubilars. Sie wurde inspiriert durch eine Partie Schtscherbakow–Odejew, UdSSR 1987.} 1. Bc5 $1 {White paradoxically forces the black pawn to advance. The point is that the white bishop must control the long diagonal.} ({White loses e.g. after} 1. Kh7 $2 b5 $19) ({or} 1. Bd4 $2 b5 $19) 1... a2 2. Bd4 b5 3. Ba1 $1 {The only safe square for the Bishop.The alternative} (3. Bg7 $2 { loses e.g.} Kg6 4. Kg8 b4 5. Kf8 b3 $19) 3... Kg6 ({If} 3... b4 {then} 4. Kh7 Ke6 5. Kg6 Kd5 6. Kf5 Kc4 7. Ke4 Kb3 8. Kd3 {draws.}) 4. Kg8 b4 5. Kf8 b3 6. Ke7 Kf5 7. Kd6 Ke4 8. Kc5 Kd3 9. Kb4 Kc2 10. Ka3 {just in time} 1/2-1/2
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[Event "Commendation Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Pasman, Michael"] [Black "+"] [Result "1-0"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/7k/8/6K1/8/3R4/8/n5n1 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "13"] [EventDate "2022"] {Doppelsetzung des Springerfangs im Qualtätsendspiel. Partiefern.} 1. Rd7+ $1 Kg8 2. Kf6 $1 (2. Kg6 $2 Kf8 3. Kf6 Ke8 4. Re7+ Kd8 $11) 2... Ne2 3. Ra7 $1 (3. Rg7+ $2 Kf8 $1 4. Ra7 Ke8 5. Rxa1 Kd7 6. Ke5 (6. Rd1+ Kc6 7. Rd2 Nf4 8. Ke5 Ng6+) 6... Nc3 $1 7. Ra5 Kc6 $1 $11) {a)} 3... Nb3 ({b)} 3... Nc2 4. Rg7+ $1 Kf8 (4... Kh8 5. Kf7 Ne3 6. Rg5 Nf4 7. Rg1 Neg2 8. Rh1+) 5. Rc7 Ke8 6. Rxc2 Nd4 7. Rc5 $1 {trapped} Kd7 8. Rd5+) 4. Rg7+ $1 Kf8 (4... Kh8 5. Kf7 Nbd4 6. Rg5) 5. Rb7 Ke8 6. Rxb3 Kd7 (6... Nd4 7. Re3+ Kd7 8. Rd3) 7. Ke5 $1 {trapped} 1-0
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[Event "Commendation Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Kuzmichev, Vladimir Viktorovich"] [Black "="] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "2K4R/7p/8/3k4/8/8/8/7r w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "23"] [EventDate "2023"] {Diese Synthese zweier typischer Verteidigungsverfahren birgt in sich ein subtiles Manöver, das dem weißen Monarchen einen für ihn sicheren Platz hinter seinem Turm einrichtet und ein näckisches Finale gestattet. Gefällt!} 1. Kd7 $1 h5 2. Ke7 $1 {a)} h4 ({b)} 2... Ke5 3. Ra8 $1 h4 4. Ra5+ Kf4 5. Kf6 h3 6. Ra4+ Kf3 7. Ra3+ Kg2 8. Ra2+ Kg3 9. Ra3+ Kf4 10. Ra4+ Ke3 11. Ra3+ Kd4 12. Ra4+ Kc5 13. Ra5+ Kc4 14. Ra4+ Kb3 15. Rf4 h2 16. Rf2 Kc4 17. Kf5 Kd4 18. Kf4) 3. Kf6 $1 h3 4. Kg5 $1 h2 5. Rh5 $1 {clears a part of the h-file} (5. Rh4 $2 Rg1+ $1) 5... Ke4 6. Kh6 $1 Kf4 7. Rh3 Kg4 8. Rh5 Kf3 9. Rf5+ Kg3 10. Rg5+ Kh3 11. Rh5+ Kg2 12. Rg5+ $11 1/2-1/2
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[Event "Commendation Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Gurgenidse, David"] [Black "="] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/1q6/3P4/6K1/8/3k4/8/R7 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "11"] [EventDate "2023"] {Unglaublich, wie die verstreuten weißen Zwerge ihre Kräfte bündeln und sich halten können.} 1. Rd1+ (1. d7 $2 Qd5+ 2. Kf6 Qd6+ 3. Kg5) 1... Kc2 (1... Ke4 2. d7 $11) 2. d7 Qg2+ 3. Kf6 Qf3+ 4. Ke7 $1 Qe2+ 5. Kd6 $1 (5. Kd8 $2 Kxd1) 5... Qxd1+ (5... Kxd1 6. d8=Q $11) 6. Kc7 1/2-1/2
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[Event "Commendation Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Kolarić, Vlasta"] [Black "+"] [Result "1-0"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/8/8/8/p7/1k6/8/R3Kn2 w Q - 0 1"] [PlyCount "11"] [EventDate "2023"] [SourceVersionDate "2023.03.06"] {Rochade als Angriffs- und Verteidigungszug, Figurenfang. Amüsant und simpel. } 1. O-O-O Nh2 2. Rd3+ Kb4 3. Rh3 Nf1 4. Rf3 Nh2 5. Rf2 Ng4 6. Rf4+ $18 1-0
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[Event "Commendation Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Kuzmichev, Vladimir Viktorovich"] [Black "="] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "B5K1/8/6b1/8/k7/8/7p/8 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "15"] [EventDate "2023"] {Rettender Tempogewinn durch Beschäftigung der schwarzen Figuren. Klein und fein!} 1. Kg7 $1 {keeps busy} (1. Bh1 $2 {looses time} Kb5 2. Kf8 Kc5 3. Kg7 ( 3. Ke7 Kd4 $1 4. Kf6 Be4 $19 {echo}) 3... Be8 $1 4. Kf6 Bc6 $19) 1... Be8 2. Kf8 $1 {keeps busy} Bb5 {escapes keeping busy, but obstructs b5} (2... Bd7 3. Ke7) 3. Ke7 Kb4 4. Kd6 Kc4 5. Ke5 Kc5 6. Bh1 $1 Bc6 7. Kf4 Bxh1 8. Kg3 $11 1/2-1/2
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[Event "Commendation Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Kuzmichev, Vladimir Viktorovich"] [Black "+"] [Result "1-0"] [Annotator "´"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/1K6/8/kP6/8/7B/8/2n5 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "9"] [EventDate "2023"] {Das auf Patt basierende Gegenspiel wird durch Läuferunterverwandlung gekontert und in ein theoretisch gewonnenes Endspiel abgewickelt.} 1. b6 $1 (1. Kc6 $2 Nd3 $2 ({But} 1... Nb3 $1 2. b6 Ka4 {or Kb4 clears a5 for 3. ... Sa5!=}) 2. Bf1 $1 $18 {i. e.} Ne5+ (2... Nb4+ 3. Kc5 $1) 3. Kc7 $1 Nf7 4. b6 Nd6 5. Be2 {or Bd3} Ne8+ 6. Kc6 $1 Nd6 7. Bc4 $1 {covers f7}) 1... Nd3 2. Bg2 $1 (2. Bf5 $2 Nc5+ $1 3. Kc6 Kb4 $1 (3... Nb3 4. b7 {Na5?}) 4. Bc2 Ne6 $1 5. Bg6 Nd8+ $1 6. Kc7 Ne6+ $1 7. Kc8 Nc5 $11) 2... Ne5 (2... Nc5+ 3. Kc6 $1 $18 {i. e.} Ne6 4. Bd5 Nd8+ 5. Kc7 $1 Kb5 6. Bb3 Kc5 7. Bc4) 3. Ka7 $1 (3. Kc7 $2 Nd7 $1 4. b7 Nc5 $1 5. b8=Q Na6+ $11 {forks the Queen}) 3... Nf7 4. b7 Nd8 $1 5. b8=B $1 (5. b8=Q $2 Nc6+ {and again the Knight forks the Queen.} 6. Bxc6 {stalemate}) 1-0
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[Event "Commendation Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Hergert, Volker"] [Black "="] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/8/8/2P5/8/5P2/K7/5r1k w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "29"] [EventDate "2023"] {Der Schlüsselzug droht ein Abdrängungsmanöver, dessen Unterbindung das rettende Tempo kostet. Die Verführung ist weniger naheliegend. Mechanisches Spiel.} 1. Kb3 $1 {Threatens 2.Kc4 =.} (1. Ka3 $2 Kg2 2. Kb4 Kxf3 3. c6 Rc1 4. Kb5 Ke4 5. Kb6 Kd5 6. c7 Kd6 $19) 1... Rc1 (1... Kg2 $2 2. Kc4 Kxf3 3. Kd5 $10) 2. Kb4 Kg2 3. Kb5 (3. f4 $2 Kf3 $19) 3... Kxf3 4. Kc6 $1 (4. c6 $2 Ke4 5. Kb6 Kd5 6. c7 Kd6 $19) 4... Ke4 (4... Rd1 5. Kb7 $10) 5. Kd6 Rd1+ (5... Kd4 6. c6 $10) 6. Ke6 $1 (6. Kc6 $2 Ke5 $19) 6... Rh1 7. c6 Rh6+ (7... Rh7 8. Kd6 $10) 8. Kd7 Kd5 9. c7 Rh7+ 10. Kd8 Kd6 11. c8=N+ $1 {with a well-known drawing position } Ke6 (11... Kc6 12. Ne7+ $10) 12. Nb6 Rb7 (12... Kd6 13. Nc8+ Ke6 14. Nb6 $10) 13. Nc8 $1 (13. Nc4 $2 Rb3 14. Na5 Rb5 15. Nc6 Kd6 16. Ne7 Rb8+ 17. Nc8+ Kc6 $19) 13... Rd7+ 14. Ke8 Rh7 (14... Rc7 15. Kd8 $10) 15. Kd8 $10 1/2-1/2
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[Event "Commendation Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Ulrichsen, Jarl Henning"] [Black "="] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "k7/8/7p/8/8/8/3P4/2n1K3 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "29"] [EventDate "2023"] {Die Annahme des Springeropfers verblüfft und wird durch das Reti-Motiv begründet. This study shows a known idea, but it is probably a Letztform with its long solution (author).} 1. Kf2 ({keine gute Verführung} 1. d4 $2 Nb3 2. d5 Kb8 3. Kf2 Nd4 4. Ke3 Nf5+ 5. Kf4 Ng7 6. Ke5 Kc7) 1... Nd3+ (1... Kb7 2. Kg3 Nd3 {see main line.}) 2. Kg3 Ne5 3. Kh4 $1 ({White loses after} 3. Kf4 $2 Ng6+ (3... Nc6 4. Kg4 Ne7 $1 $19) 4. Kf5 (4. Kg4 Ne7 5. Kh5 Ng8 $19) 4... h5 5. Kg5 (5. d4 h4) 5... h4 $19) 3... Nf7 4. Kh5 Kb7 5. Kg6 (5. d4 $2 Kc6 6. Kg6 Kd5) 5... Kc6 (5... Kc8 6. Kxf7 h5 7. Ke7 $1 ({Not} 7. Ke8 $2 Kb7 $1 {winning a decisive tempo:} 8. Ke7 {(forced to prevent 8…Kc6)} h4 $19)) 6. Kxf7 h5 7. Ke6 h4 8. d4 Kc7 9. Ke7 Kc6 10. Ke6 h3 11. d5+ Kc7 12. Ke7 h2 13. d6+ Kc6 14. d7 h1=Q 15. d8=Q 1/2-1/2
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[Event "Commendation Griva-70"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.03.09"] [Round ""] [White "Gurgenidse, David"] [Black "="] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "K6R/8/8/8/p4r2/8/4k3/8 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "25"] [EventDate "2023"] {Synthese bekannter Motive, leider wenig Höhepunkte.} 1. Kb7 $1 a3 2. Kc6 $1 ( 2. Kb6 $2 a2 $1 3. Ra8 Rb4+ $1 4. Kc5 Rb2 $1 {cuts the b-file} 5. Kc4 Kd2 $19 ( 5... Kd1 $19)) 2... Ra4 (2... a2 3. Ra8 $1 Rc4+ 4. Kb5 $1 Rc2 5. Kb4 $1 Kd2 6. Kb3 $1 $11) 3. Rh2+ $1 Kd3 4. Rh3+ $1 Kc4 5. Rh4+ $1 Kb3 6. Rh3+ $1 Kb4 7. Rh4+ $1 Ka5 8. Rh5+ $1 Ka6 9. Rh8 $1 Ka7 10. Rh7+ $1 Ka6 11. Rh8 $1 Ka7 12. Rh7+ $1 Ka6 13. Rh8 $1 1/2-1/2
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