Sample CQL files about themes or manoeuvres and with some studies shown as results.
Here are various CQL files (converted to HTML for easy viewing in older browsers).
Most of the examples have now both the CQL 5.1 and CQL 3.02 examples. The CQL 5.1 are better.
Most of the 3.02 CQL_Examples can be downloaded here.
Most of the CQL 5.1 examples can be downloaded from the GadyCosteff website.
Also you can find the CQL 5.1 converions of many of them in this Zipfile.
Any contributions are welcome.
- Albino pawn, A white pawn on its starting square makes each of its four possible moves (forward one square, forward two squares, capture to the left, capture to the right).
- Allumwandlung All possible kind of promotions occur in one study
- Bristol Theme Anti-critical manoeuvre in which a piece moves over a critical target square allowing another piece to play over that same line to the critical square (thus employing an anti-metocritical manoeuvre).
- Castling Studies where a castle move is in it.
- Caterpillar or Triple pawn Tripled pawns creep up the board.
- Chameleon or echo stalemates including two ways to ignore some pieces when searching for the echo: via and via in the relation specifier Kozirev alikes (two cql examples) .
- Cross check. One side counters the other side's check with interposing a piece onto the checking line and gives check.
- Dobrescu study with a repeated piece configuration.
- Doublechecks. Two pieces give check at one move.
- Doublecheck and Mate
- Double Check and Mate Middle of the Board
- Double Excelsior Both a white and a black pawn have excelsiors; the white pawn underpromotes.
- Duras theme. Bishop of wrong color with an a- or h-pawn wins.
- Excelsior A pawn starts on its second rank and promotes.
- Festina Lente. Hurry slowly. White plays his pawn from the rank-2 to rank-3 (not to rank-4)
- Fortress. A defensive formation designed to prevent the opponent from breaking through. Mostly black has more material but can't make progress.
- Grimshaw. An interference with two black pieces on a particular square mutually interfere with each other.
- Ideal Mirror mate All pieces participate, each square in the king field attacked once.
- Indian theme A stale-mating position is culminated which White has provided by preparing an ambush so as to allow the defense a move that may expose him to a discovered mate.
- Knight and Pawn vs Rook Bishop (and pawns)
- Knight chases other Knight constantly trying to sacrifice itself.
- Knight visits at least twenty different squares. This example shows how logical connectives, gapped sequences, transforms and tagged pieces can be combined in a search.
- Loman's move A square-vacating anti-promotion sacrifice.
- Many checks More than 30 checks in a study.
- Miniatures. Studies up to 7 pieces, with variations easy to make.
- Mirror mate King field is unoccupied.
- Mixed pawns At least three white passed pawns and at least two black passed pawns.
- Mutual - Reciprocal Stalemates In a study white or black is stalemated.
- Mutual Zugzwangs 5-pieces.
- Novotny Piece moves to square where rook and bishop mutually interfere.
- Obtrusive bishop. Starting positions with a bishop which is surely born by promotion.
- Passed pawn search At least three white passed pawns.
- Pinned mate. The black is mated and a black piece is pinned.
- Pinned stalemates Stalemate with at least two pinned pieces.
- Plachutta. A piece sacrifices itself on a square where it could be captured by one of two similarly moveing pieces.
- Prokes Manoeuvre. A square-vacating anti-promotion combination.
- Queen sacrifice Sacrifice of a queen, and remains at least 9 points down in material for at least 12 moves, and then wins.
- Queen staircase manoeuvre.
- Rambling Rook The rook keeps checking itself to the king, which keeps avoiding its capture.
- Rookendings with Underpromotions
- Rook traverses a rectangle in this case, a 4x3 rectangle.
- Rook visits each corner of the chessboard a1, a8, h1, h8.
- Samecolor Bishops Two bishops of the same color and same square-color.
- Smothered mate When the black king is mate due to be completely surrounded by (his own) chessmen.
- Tripled pawns
- Troitzky's ending. Two Knights against one pawn.
- Two stalemates Studies having two stalemate positions.
- Unguarded Guard a linepiece checks, and a piece interposes on an unguarded square.
- Valladeo theme Castling, en-passant, and underpromotion.
- Wcct6 theme White moves king to empty square instead of capturing a queen.
- Wcct7 theme Position recurs with a missing piece.
- Wcct9 theme Quiet queen sacrifice.
- Zwickmuhle / Torre-Lasker theme Torre-Lasker theme.