CQL 5.1
; festina lente. In a mainline position, a white pawn ; moves one square forward in the mainline, then later ; moves one more square forward; and two squares at once ; forward in the variation cql(input heijden.pgn variations sort matchcount 1 100) piece $pawn in Pa-h2 move from $pawn to up 2 $pawn next( any {mainline $pawn on up 1 origin $pawn} mainline* {mainline $pawn on up 2 origin $pawn} ) ; - Note that the pawn must reach the 4th rank in the mainline. Does not limit the solution to initial position like the earlier 3.2 version. Note that definition of term is not normative
CQL 3.2
; Festina_Lente.cql searches for studies where a first white pawn move is from rank-2 to rank-3 instead to rank-4 ; In this cql only these moves are searched on move 1 and when in variations the first move to rank-4 is.
; So in the variations is pointed out why the slow move is better.
; Festina Lente is latin and means: "Hurry Slowly" and is famous because it was (first) used by Roman Emperor Augustus. (match
:pgn heijden.pgn
:output Festina_Lente.pgn (position .e4 :and
((position :movefrom Pe2 :moveto .e3
:wtm :shifthorizontal
:movenumber 1
(position :movefrom Pe2 :moveto .e4
:wtm :shifthorizontal :variationsonly
:movenumber 1))) )
After executing this with "> cql Festina_Lente.cql" there are 140 studies found in the Harold van der Heijden Database V 2015.
NB. When you see {MATCH} in the text, it means that cql has found the position asked for.
Only 10 studies are presented here: