Studies composed by
Jakov Georgevich Vladimirov
(Russia, 22.7.1935)
He is Grandmaster of the FIDE for chess composition since 1988.
He is International Master of the FIDE for chess composition since 1967.
He is International Judge of the FIDE for chess compositions since 1965.
At Italian Wikipedia we can read about his chesscareer.
ChesscomposerBlogspot reports:
Yakov Vladimirov is the editor of the magazine “Шахматная композиция” (Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsiya) and
has collaborated during the years with several other magazines (Uralski Problemist, 64, etc).
He has written many articles and books about chess composition, anthologies of studies composers, of chess problems.
He can compose in any genre, but he achieved the very best results in direct mates and selfmates.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) )