Selection of studies composed by
William Bone
(England, 31.8.1810 - 14.12.1874)
ChesscomposersBlogspot reports about him:
William Bone composed direct mates and selfmates.
He wrote "One Hundred Original Positions" and was a friend of George Walker's.
An extensive article at about him starts with:
"William Bone, along with the Rev. Horatio Bolton, is considered to have been one of the two best early English chess problemists.
John Augustus Miles, a problemist (who knew them both and studied the art from Bone himself) and publisher of chess problem compilations, referred to them as "Ancient Masters"
because their styles, though not entirely similar, are of a classical, even primative, sort.
Both problemists were fond of extremely long direct mates and mates with special requirements.
Bolton, however, developed into a more revolutionary and forward-looking composer while Bone remained true to his style.
Bone was one of those people who led a quiet, uneventful life and other than his amazing talent for creating chess problems, his most fascinating aspect is his heritage. "....
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the