Studies composed by
Paul Adrian Lamford
(Wales, 30.8.1953)
He is a Correspondence International Master.
One of his studies to solve you may find at Welshccf.
More about him can be found here.
This book he published in 1999.
100 Chess Puzzles can be read, puzzled over and enjoyed without the need for a chess set.
Below each diagram is a helpful hint for the inexperienced player and the text explains each problem and offers a solution.
In EG90 there is an article by him: "The 'ECE' endings classification system".
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) )
Vladimir Samilo comments that the following study has some flaws:
Better try for black is 2... Ke6! 3.Kb4! Kd6 4.Kb5.
Also white could win with 2. Ke5 (cook) Kf7 3.Kd4! Ke6 4.Kc5 Ke5 5.Kb4 Kd6 6.Kb5 although with the same result.