Studies composed by
Anatole Felix Ianovcic
(Rumania, 17.2.1897 - 20.6.1986)
ChesscomposerBlogspot reports about him:
Ianovcic was an enthusiast who worked for the Romanian Chess Federation, spent his energy organizing this institution,
was a founder of the chess magazine "Revista Romana de Sah" and of the chess problem magazine "Buletin Problemistic"
and managed to find time to compose problems and write didactic articles.
These articles were published in the magazine „Flacăra/Tribuna Sibiului”, which later lead to the publication of a chess composition manual, "Sahul artistic: manual de compozitie sahista" (1969).
Ianovcic also gave his name to a twomover theme (Ianovcic theme): Initially two black pieces A and B are half-pinned.
The key self-pins a white piece C. A and B play each in the thematic variations, thus self-pinning B (respectively A)
and thanks to a self interference Black allows White to mate with a Pelle move of C.
Chesspedia has also some information about him.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the