Selection of studies composed by
Pierre Auguste D'Orville
(Russia/Germany/Belgium, 15.5.1804 - 11.11.1864)
Pierre Auguste D'Orville was born in Russia (Saint-Petersburg), had the German nationality, lived most of his time in Belgium (Antwerp)
and died in Regensburg (Germany).
At the website of John and Sue Beasley there is an article called "Some problems of Auguste D'Orville"
(a series) of PDF files (where the drawing is found) which describes him.
There is also a supplement to it.
Also at ChesscomposerBlogspot and French Wikipedia there information about him.
Pierre Auguste (or Peter August) d'Orville was German and lived in Antwerp.
He may have been the first composer in the world, with Horatio Bolton, to intentionally look for nice and light positions
and to avoid the then fashionable equal forces between both sides.
D'Orville wrote in 1842 "PROBLÈMES d'ÉCHECS composés et dédiés aux amateurs de ce jeu".
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) which has over 85.000 endgame studies collected)