Selection of studies composed by
Mikolay Kondratyuk
(Ukraine, 4.6.1948 - 23.9.2001)
Mykola Kondratyuk, was born and lived in the village Plekhiv, Zhytomyr region.
Grandmaster of Ukraine on the solution of chess compositions
- silver medalist of the all-union championship 1987,
7 times champion of Ukraine (in the period 1986-1997),
bronze medalist of the World Championship among the solvers of 1998 in the Ukrainian team.
He compiled problems and studies - 20 of his studies can be found in the H.Heijden base.
In his native land in the Chernyakhiv in 2016 one of the streets was named after him and a chess club with his name has been opened.
A rememberance plate is showed at:
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) )