Studies composed by
Antti Gottfried Ojanen
(Finland, 1.9.1916 - 26.6.1988)
Antti Gottfried Ojanen, usually called A.G. Ojanen.
-Lawyer, bank director, local politition with posts in town government
-lived in small finnish town Hamina
-good chess player, reached master-class 1948 in otb-playing,
finnish champion in correspondense chess 1953 (not to be confused with IM Kaarle Ojanen)
-first published problem in Helsingin Sanomat 1934
-published about 15 studies and 350 other problems
-one of the founding members of Suomen Tehtavaniekat 1935
-publisher and editor of short lived chess magazine Ruutulauta in 1943
-International Judge for Chess Composition 1966 (self-mates)
-his name was given to a 2-mover theme
-composed direct mates and selfmates. One of his specialties was the Albino/Pickaninny theme
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden (HHdbVI))