Studies composed by
Arjan Smit
(Netherlands, 14.1.1956)
Arjan has been a chess trainer for children for several decades, first in Helmond (in the province of Noord-Brabant)
and, since 2016, in Heerlen (in the province of Limburg) and Aachen (Germany).
At first, Arjan was also youth leader of a chess club (until 2014), afterwards he specialized in personal training.
He prefers teaching chess over playing chess himself.
His life outside chess was more like 12 trades and 13 accidents, usually monotonous jobs without the possibility to use one's creativity.
So his creative outlet was chess, teaching chess, composing, music.
Between 2007 and 2014 Arjan did a lot of research for writing two books
('Apokatastasis, Lost World' and 'Die Zauberflöte, a Chronicle of Creation').
With clubmembers and chessfriends (left-to-right): Nol Swinkels, Theo Van de Berkmortel, Arjan Smit, Gerard Welling.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden (HHdbVI))
The below study of Kling and Horwitz was the trigger to create a twin study.
The start position was presented at a Youth tourney to solve, but given with the stipulation Black to play and win.
But of course it was not to be solved. So Arjan asked if possibly a pawn was missing at g6?
And so (with reverse colors) Arjan had created this little gem:
Volodymyr Samilo made a correction for this study because at move 2 white has a dual move leading to the same position.
1.Ke3 Nxf2 2.Kxf2 (or 2.Ng7+ Kg6 3.Kxf2 h2 ) 2...h2 3.Ng7+ Kg6 - permutation of 2-3 moves (dual).