Selection of studies composed by

Grzegorz Grzeban


(Poland, 28.71902 - 21.10. 1991)


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The chess nickname of Grzegorz Bagdasarian.

He was born on the 28th of July 1902 in Kiszyniow, died on the 21st of October 1991 in Warsaw.

National master in chess composition (1959), Honorary Master of Chess Composition (1987),

an International Judge of the FIDE for Chess Compositions (1960).


He started composing in 1927.

An author of about 150 studies (his specialty).

He gained 16 prizes and 13 honourable mentions.

7 of his compositions were published FIDE Albums (10,83 points).

An editor of the studies section in the monthly magazine „Szachy” (1959–1979).

A head of the Commission of Chess Composition in the Polish Chess Federation (1966–1976).

In 1976 he was awarded the title of an Honorary Member of the Polish Chess Federation.

Co-author (with Jan Rusinek) of the book “Studium szachowe w Polsce 1890–1980”, 1983.


(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden (HHdbVI))