Selection of studies composed by
Karl Fabel
(Germany, 20.10.1905 - 3.3.1975)
Karl Fabel was an International Master.
On this website Fabelschach about him more information.
He was mainly a Problem composer.
Fabel studied jurisprudence and chemistry, in chemistry he obtained a doctorate degree. He first worked as a judge in the patent system, later he was president of the Senate in Munich.
Karl Fabel was not a tournament player. He composed about 1250 chess problems, including miniatures, retro-releases, and long-lasting problems and also studies in his typical style.
About his studies: Fabel composed mainly Zugzwang-studies with often repeated maneuvers.
Some of them are very impressive.
Like Ado Kraemer, he composed black Indians, which you will see in the try (study 7).
He is International Master of the FIDE for chess composition since 1967.
He is International Judge of the FIDE for chess compositions since 1964.
At ChesscomposersBlogspot we can read:
Karl Fabel composed in all genres with a marked preference for miniatures and for problems with retroanalytical contents.
In 1936 he wrote the book "Kleinkunst" together with Massmann and Palatz and afterwards numerous other books,
such as "Rund um das Schachbrett", the last book being "Introduction to Retrograde Analysis" (1974).
Study selection by Peter Krug.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).
Study 7