Selection out of more than 50 studies composed by

Igor Petrovich Yarmonov

(Ukraine, 15.10.1967)

(Another picture is to be found at Chesscomposerblogspot).

He lives in the city of Mariupol.
He is International master of chess and master of FIDE in chess composition.
He became three times world champion (2002, 2013 and 2016)

and is a repeated prize-winner of the World Chess Championships among disabled people with limited physical and motor abilities.
Further he is vice-champion of the world in chess composition in the Ukrainian team (2010-2013).
In the personal championships of Ukraine on composition he was twice a prize-winner.
His first problem was published in 1982.
In total about 250 compositions of him with different genres are published.
Priority genres – threemovers  and moremovers,  and also  - studies.
In competitions he received about 130 rewards, among which are 40 prizes.


(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).

Studies selected by Mario Garcia: