Selection of studies composed by
Nikolay Vasilevich Kovalev
(Ukraine, 1920)
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He lived in Lviv and later in Sumy, he was a financier and economist.
Candidate for chess master.
Champion of Ukraine in the game of chess by correspondence (1961).
He was composing problems and studies.
First study published in 1937, he favored studies that lead to a positional draw.
He was twice the prize-winner of the Ukranian team championships as part of the Sumy team.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015)
In this database it seems that this composer is registered with the name Kovalov,M ?).
Studies selected by Vadimir Samilo: