Selection of studies composed by

Arturo Carrà

(Italy, 18.7.1882 - 12.11.1978)

Arturo Carrà (Migliarino, 18-7-1882-Bologna, 12-11-1978) was a travelling salesman. 

He published his problems with the pseudonym of ARGUS.
Arturo Carrà was a member of the chess club of Ferrara and then of the chess club of Bologna.
He published 358 problems (41 prizes) and classified 18.000 problems in accordance with the method/system WHITE.
Arturo Carrà published articles for daily newspapers (il Resto del Carlino, Il Littoriale)
and also for chess reviews (Il Due Mosse, L'Italia Scacchistica).


(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).