Selection of studies composed by

Mario Matouš


(Czechoslovakia, 16.6.1947-4.7.2013)

ChesscomposersBlogspot reports about him:

Mário Matouš is best known for his endgame studies, but he also composed problems.

Chess coach Vladimir Grabinsky also quoted 10 studies by M.Matouš and mentioned Vassily Ivanchuk's enthusiasm for them on his site.


(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden (HHdbVI))


Presented at YT by Daniel Naroditsky.



The full Arcticle in a separate PDF here (or below in an extra frame): Mario Matous


The study in the article to replay.


There is also this interesting article by Emil Vlasek at

And some studies of more than 250 he composed: