Studies composed by
Lev Abramovich Olmutsky
(Ukraine, 5.12.1936)
(Lev Olmutskiy, 26 years old.
Picture provided by Nokilaj Griva).
Lev Olmutskiy is born on December 5, 1936.
He lives in Dnepropetrovsk. He is graduated at the honorsa comprehensive school, then a technical school.
His specialty is an electrician.
He became interested in composition in 1959.
His first mentor was Tigran Gorgiev.
The first study was published in the 1960s, the last one in 1970. In the same year, due to illness, he left the composition.
In total, he published more than 20 studies.
The most famous of his study is - the 1nd prize of the competition "Socialistychna Kharkivshyna", 1963, see first study below.
In 1975 there was published a small article about Lev Olmutsky "Like Meteor" by T. Gorgiev, P.Krepko (magazine "64 - SHO", No. 23).
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) )
This first famous brilliant study is also explained at YouTube by Suren.