Some studies out of more than 130 studies composed by

Count Jean De Villeneuve Esclapon

(France, 18.1.1860-24.11.1943)

More information about him on the French website Heritage des Echecs and on Chesscomposers.blogspot.

Other links to information (in French) on

Composer and Provencial player. Editor of the publication "L'Échiquier Francais" for three years

He was interested in composition at his maturity and came to create about 50 problems and 130 studies

Count De Villeneuve Esclapon was descended from Admiral Villeneuve, the unfortunate adversary of Admiral Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar.


(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).