Selection out of 70 studies composed
by Paavo Visa Kivi
(Finland, 27.6.1905-28.10.1995).
Paavo Visa Kivi was a chess player, an International Judge
and a significant Finnish study composer.
Visa Kivi was a chess player, an International Judge and Finland's most distinguished endgame composer -
at least until Pauli Perkonoja.
He always used Visa as his first name.
EG index gives the following interesting references to articles in EG about him:
Kivi Jubilee Tourney 1965 229-38 (7), p.349 (12)
Kivi Jubilee Tourney 1975-76 3152-60 (50)
Kivi 75th Jubilee Tourney 1981 4689-703 (70) [4693 - see p.436 (80)]
Kivi 80th Jubilee Tourney 1987 7543-53 (98)
Kivi Memorial Tourney 1991 16892-96 (177 supplement)
Kivi, V. Kivi JT 1975-76 528 (47)
Roycroft, A.J. Kivi MT 1991 247 (177 supplement)
Rusinek, J. Kivi 80th JT 1987 668 (98)
Kivi, V. obituary - 924 (102)
Selection of studies and two corrections by Peter Krug.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the