Selection out of more than 160 studies composed by
Luis Miguel González Lara
(Spain, 1966)
Luis Miguel was born in Tomelloso in 1966.
He is a FIDE Master in Chesscomposition.
This Chemist by profession is possible that he is currently the best and most prolific Spanish composer of all time.
He has two studios included on the latest FIDE 2007/2009 album and two more are scheduled to appear on the next one.
With this, it is expected that he will achieve the title of FIDE Master of composition ... that he would be the first Spanish to achieve it.
It is not easy to obtain such an award since it depends on the number of works that appear in said albums,
which are published every three years, and which collect the best compositions of each class after passing, as is normative, a tough selection process.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden (HHdbVI))