Selection of studies composed by
Anatoly Georgevich Kuznetsov
(Russia, 23.7.1932 - 23.7.2000)
The following information can be found at ChesscomposersBlogspot.
Anatoly Kuznetsov was an International Judge and endgame composer, with many successes in orthodox field such as this one.
He was also the editor of the problem column in "Shakhmaty v SSSR" (Chess in the USSR) since 1971 and the author of many articles about chess composition.
Here you can download an eBook (in PDF format) of his book Brilliant Chess Studies 1837-1997.
(Click on the figure above !)
This book offers 450 endgame studies covering a span of 160 years from 1837 to 1997.
The author, Anatoly Kuznetsov (1932-2000), was a well-known composer in his own right, and a number of his studies are also included.
The endgame study in Russia has followed two schools of thought.
On the one hand we have the positional and analytical school with composers like Kasparian and Nadareishvili as its main exponents.
On the other hand we have the romantic school with votaries like Korolkov, Mitrofanov and Pogosyants.
The work of the new generation of composers like Kralin, Bazlov and Pervakov, however, is not easy to label and categorize as their studies show a synthesis of both styles.
In their case imagination is tempered by realism.
Mikhail Zinar en Anatoly Kuznetsov in 1989.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the