Studies composed by
Bedrich Formánek
(Slovakia, 6.6.1933-19.11.2023)
The following information is from ChesscomposerBlogSpot.
"Bedrich Formánek was president of the PCCC (now WFCC) from 1994 until 2002, composed about 400 problems and has written chess problem columns
and brochures or books: "Šachové žarty - Chess Jokes" (2000), "Kompozičný šach na Slovensku" in 1984, etc."
A lot more formation can be found about him like this article on the website and on Wikipedia.
He composed only a few endgame studies.
He is Fide Master of the FIDE for chess composition since 1990.
He is International Judge of the FIDE for chess compositions since 1966.
A long-time the President of the Slovak Chess Composition Organization (SOKŠ) and later its Honorary President,
a former President of the Permanent Commission for Chess Composition (PCCC)
and then the Honorary President of the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC),
member of the SOKŠ Hall of Fame, chess composer, judge, lecturer, organizer, author of several books on chess composition and its tireless promoter,
author of 7,475 chess composition columns in newspapers, chess godfather of many Slovak chess composers,
but above all a great person and a good friend.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) )