ARVES Chess Endgamestudy Association.
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Alexander Rueb
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Magyar Sakkvilag 2020
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Alexander Rueb
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Historie ARVES
Aizenshtat, Mark 1914-1966
Problemist Ukraine 2024
Avni-70 JT 2024
Sergey Osintsev-JT 64
Finales Y Temas 138
Finales Y Temas 137
Babson Task by Gady Costeff
Liptovsky Mikulas 2024
Hornecker MT 2024
UAPA 23rd 2024
FRME 6th TT 2024
Finales Y Temas 136
SŠZ 100 JT 2024
The Problemist 2023
Sachova Skladba 2023
Jirtdan 2024
Chess Artistry Adventure 2024
Die Schwalbe 2021-2022
8th YCCC 2024
Congress Polish Chess Composers 2024
Finales Y Temas 135
Chess Artistry Adventure in memory of Pal Benko 2022
Finales Y Temas 134
Vratnica-64 2023
Problem Paradise 2023
Pat a Mat 2022-2023
Tehtavaniekka 2023
Variantim 2023
UAPA 22th 2023
Finales Y Temas 133
Sachova Skladba 2022
Schach 2022-2023
Bilokin 85 MT
The Macedonian Problemist 2023
Studies (preliminary) awarded for the
70th birthday anniversary
Amatzia Avni.
[Event "1st Prize Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Oleg Pervakov"] [Black ""] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "3N3k/4p3/B6B/3p3K/2rPr2p/4P3/8/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "21"] {Avni-70, Preliminary Award 35 composers submitted 50 entries to my JT. The quality was very good, with some outstanding works. Consequently, I included almost half of the entries in the award. I am deeply indebted to my friend Gady Costeff. As director, he delivered me the entries in anonymized standard English; checked the studies for anticipation and gave valuable advice regarding some professional dilemmas. Gady also sorted out things with composers who erroneously sent logical studies (in contrast with the tourney announcement). In the absence of established criteria for judgement of studies, the award reflects my own opinion and taste, and nothing more. Appeals may be put forward until 17/1/2025 and then the award will become final. All participants get a copy of my new free book – "Exploration of Study-Composition". Thank you all. Amatzia Avni, 17 December 2024, Israel} 1.Nf7+ ( 1.Bb7 $2 Rb4 $1 2.Bc6 ( 2.Bc8 Rb8 3.Bf5 Rxd8 4.Bxe4 dxe4 5.Kxh4 e6 $19 ) ( 2.Bxd5 Rb5 $19 ) 2...Rb6 3.Bd7 Kg8 4.Bf4 Rxf4 $1 5.exf4 Rd6 6.Kxh4 Rxd7 7.Ne6 Kf7 8.f5 Rd6 $19 ) 1...Kg8 2.Nd6 $3 {Fork by knight} ( 2.Ng5 $2 Rxe3 3.Bxc4 dxc4 4.Kxh4 c3 5.Nh3 Re1 $19 ) ( 2.Bb7 $2 Rb4 $1 3.Nd6 Rxb7 4.Nxe4 dxe4 5.Kxh4 Kf7 $19 ) 2...exd6 3.Bb7 $1 Kh7 $1 ( 3...Rexd4 4.exd4 Rxd4 5.Bc8 $11 ) 4.Bxd5 {Fork by bishop} 4...Rc5 $1 5.Bg5 $1 ( 5.dxc5 $2 Re5+ 6.Kxh4 Rxd5 7.Bf8 dxc5 8.e4 Re5 $19 ) 5...Re5 $1 {Self-fork under pawn!} ( 5...Rxd5 $11 {Stalemate} ) ( 5...Rxd4 6.Be4+ $1 Rxe4 {Stalemate} ) 6.dxe5 Rxd5 7.Kxh4 Kg6 $1 8.Kg4 dxe5 {Main A} ( {Main B} 8...Rxe5 9.Bf4 Re6 10.Kf3 d5 ( 10...Kf5 11.e4+ $1 $11 ) 11.Ke2 $1 Kf5 12.Kd3 $1 {[%emt 0:00:01] Fortress} ) 9.Bh4 $1 Rd3 ( 9...Rd1 10.Kf3 $1 $11 ) 10.Bf2 Kf6 11.e4 $1 {Fortress. Judge: Fascinating play with punches and counter punches. Following white's amazing second move, black finds some remarkable ideas, but at the end it proves insufficient against white's stalemate defences and fortresses.} 1/2-1/2
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[Event "2nd Prize Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Jason Ke"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "3B4/PP2P3/7P/P3r3/1pPp3N/1p1P2p1/1N2p1P1/K1k5 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "25"] 1.Nf3 ( 1.b8=Q $4 e1=N $3 {Nc2# is now unstoppable.} ) 1...e1=N 2.Nxe1 Rxe1 3.e8=R $3 ( 3.e8=Q Kc2+ $1 4.Qxe1 $10 ) 3...Rxe8 ( 3...Rh1 4.Re2 $18 ) 4.b8=B $3 ( 4.b8=Q $2 Re1 {White runs into a similar problem as before, as white has no way to both prevent Kc2# without stalemating the king. For example:} 5.Qxb4 Kc2+ 6.Qxe1 $10 ) ( 4.Bh4 $4 {The bishop is capable of covering e1, but cannot cover the rest of the back rank to save the king} 4...Re1 5.Bxg3 Rh1 $19 ) 4...Kc2 ( 4...Re1 5.Bxg3 Rh1 6.Bdh4 $1 Kc2+ 7.Be1 $18 {White's two dark square bishops can defend each other and defend the back rank, so white wins.} ) 5.Bxg3 Rxd8 6.Bd6 $1 {Black was threatening Rf8 following by Rf1#. The only defense to this is to play Bd6, defending the f8 square.} 6...Re8 ( 6...Rxd6 {Black cannot take the bishop as it would allow the a pawn to queen.} 7.a8=Q Rf6 8.Qf3 $1 $18 ) ( 6...Rh8 7.g4 {g3 is alternative.} 7...Rxh6 8.a8=Q $18 {Rh1 is covered and Qg2+ dislodging the king is coming. White wins here.} ) 7.Bxb4 {Black first tries to deflect the bishop to b4, which would give black extra stalemating possibilities and weaken the defense of g3. Black has two interesting tries, Rg8 or Rh8.} 7...Rh8 ( 7...Rg8 8.Nd1 $1 {Without white's bishop on d6, g3 is not possible, so white must prophylactically cover the back rank} 8...Rxg2 9.a8=Q Rg1 10.Be1 $1 {Diverting the rook from g2 and enabling Qg2+. Note the knight on d1 prevents Rxe1 with check.} ( 10.Qf3 $4 b2+ ) ) 8.g3 $1 {The move g3 is necessary as the g4 square will be necessary for whites pieces.} ( 8.g4 $2 {Throws the win, as if} 8...Rxh6 9.a8=B Rf6 10.Bg2 Rf2 11.Bh3 Rh2 $19 {The g4 square is occupied and has no defense to Rh1#} ) 8...Rxh6 9.a8=B $1 ( 9.a8=Q $2 Rh1+ 10.Qxh1 $10 ) 9...Rf6 10.Bg2 Rf2 11.Bh3 Rh2 12.Bg4 Rh1+ 13.Bd1+ $18 {Judge: Mate, stalemate, a feast of minor promotions, the preventive 6.Bd6 and a delicate 8.g3. A carnival.} ( 13.Nd1 $4 b2+ $19 ) 1-0
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[Event "3rd Prize Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Michael Pasman"] [Black ""] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "B7/3rn3/8/5PP1/2K2k1N/8/8/4n3 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "33"] 1.f6 Nf5 ( 1...Nc8 2.g6 $1 Ke5 ( 2...Nd6+ 3.Kc5 Nd3+ 4.Kb6 Nc8+ 5.Kb5 $1 {main line} ) 3.g7 Rd8 4.Bd5 $1 Nd6+ 5.Kc5 $1 Nd3+ 6.Kb6 $1 Kxd5 7.Ng6 $1 Ke6 8.Ne7 $1 Nc8+ 9.Kc7 $1 Nxe7 10.Kxd8 $11 ) 2.g6 $1 Nd6+ ( 2...Ke5 3.Nxf5 ) ( 2...Rd8 3.g7 Nd6+ 4.Kc5 $1 Nd3+ 5.Kb6 $1 Rxa8 6.Ng6+ ) 3.Kc5 $1 ( 3.Kd5 Ne4+ $1 4.Ke6 Nc5# ) 3...Nd3+ 4.Kb6 Nc8+ 5.Kb5 $1 ( 5.Kc6 Ne5+ ) 5...Ne5 ( 5...Rd8 6.g7 $1 Ke5 7.Bd5 $3 Nd6+ ( {or} 7...Kxd5 8.Nf5 $1 Ke6 ( 8...Ne5 9.Nh6 ) 9.Nh6 $1 ) 8.Kb6 $1 Kxd5 9.Ng6 $1 Ke6 10.Ne7 Nc8+ 11.Kc7 Nxe7 12.Kxd8 $11 ) ( 5...Nd6+ 6.Kb6 $1 Nc8+ 7.Kb5 $1 {just repeating the position} ) 6.g7 Rd8 7.Ka6 $3 ( {Thematic try :} 7.Kb4 Ne7 $1 8.Bg2 Ng8 $1 ) ( {White's idea is Bd5 on next move. On immediate} 7.Bd5 {follows} 7...Rxd5+ {so white moves the king} ) 7...Ne7 $1 {Attacking the bishop and preparing simple Ng8 and done against the threat Bd5} ( 7...Nd6 8.Bd5 ) ( 7...Kg5 8.Bd5 $1 ) 8.Bc6 $3 {Next move we will understand why only here} ( {Thematic try :} 8.Ng6+ N5xg6 9.f7 Ke5 $1 10.Be4 Kf6 $3 ( 10...Kxe4 11.Kb7 Kf5 12.Kc7 Rc8+ 13.Kb7 ) ) ( 8.Bg2 Rd6+ {/Ng8} ) ( 8.fxe7 Rxa8+ ) 8...N7xc6 ( {Now we can see the idea of previous white's move : On} 8...Ng8 9.Ng6+ $1 Nxg6 10.f7 Nh6 ( 10...Ke5 $4 11.Be8 ) 11.Be8 $1 ) 9.Ng6+ $1 Nxg6 ( 9...Kg5 10.Nf8 ) ( 9...Ke3 10.Nf8 ) 10.f7 Nce7 11.Kb7 $3 {Despite big material advantage and his turn, black can't win} 11...Ke5 ( 11...Kg5 12.Kc7 Ra8 13.Kb7 Rd8 14.Kc7 Rc8+ 15.Kb7 ) 12.Kc7 Ra8 ( 12...Rc8+ 13.Kb7 Kd6 14.g8=Q $1 ) 13.Kb7 Rd8 14.Kc7 Rc8+ 15.Kb7 {Positional draw, so trying :} 15...Kd6 16.g8=Q $1 Nxg8 17.Kxc8 {Judge: battle of pawns vs. pieces. Splendid introduction, remarkable 8.Bc6!! is echoed by 7. Bd5!! in a side variation. Brilliant and surprising.} 1/2-1/2
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[Event "4th Prize Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Sprenger=Jan"] [Black ""] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "6K1/N2Nr3/2r4k/6p1/4p1P1/5P2/2b1p3/6R1 w - - 2 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "20"] [Setup "1"] 1.Nf8 ( 1.Rh1+ $2 Kg6 2.Nf8+ Kf6 3.Rh6+ Ke5 4.Nxc6+ Kf4 $19 ) 1...Bb3+ 2.Kh8 Rh7+ $1 3.Nxh7 Rd6 {preparing Rd8+ and Rd1} 4.Nc6 $1 {Umnov} ( {try} 4.Nf8 $2 Rd1 5.Rg2 e1=Q 6.Rh2+ Qh4 $19 ) 4...Rd1 5.Rg3 $1 ( {thematic try} 5.f4 $2 gxf4 ( 5...Rxg1 $4 6.fxg5+ Kg6 7.Ne5# ) 6.Rg2 Rd8+ $1 7.Nxd8 e1=Q 8.Rh2+ Kg6 9.Rh5 Qc3+ $1 {/Qa1+} ) ( 5.Rg2 $2 e1=Q ( {but also} 5...Rd8+ $5 6.Nxd8 e1=Q 7.Rh2+ Kg6 $19 ) 6.Rh2+ Qh4 7.f4 Qxh2 $1 8.fxg5+ Kg6 9.Ne5+ Qxe5+ {square e5 controlled} ) 5...e1=Q ( 5...Rd8+ $5 6.Nxd8 e1=Q 7.Rh3+ Kg6 8.Nf8+ Kf6 9.fxe4 Ke7 10.Ng6+ Kxd8 11.Rxb3 Qxe4 12.Kg7 $10 {EGTB} ) 6.Rh3+ Qh4 7.f4 $1 Rd8+ $1 ( 7...Qxh3 $4 8.fxg5+ Kg6 9.Ne5# ) 8.Nxd8 Qxh3 {Black has apparently prevailed in the exchange of tactical blows, but White has a surprising escape:} 9.Nf7+ $1 Bxf7 ( 9...Kg6 $4 10.Ne5+ Kh6 11.fxg5# ) 10.fxg5+ Kg6 {pin stalemate with active block of the white pawns. Judge: Fascinating play, full of tension and drama. 7.f4! is great.} 1/2-1/2
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[Event "5th Prize Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Michael Pasman"] [Black ""] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "2Kn4/4p1N1/6pP/2kP1P2/6n1/8/1PP3P1/4r3 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "21"] 1.h7 ( 1.fxg6 Nxh6 $19 ) 1...Rh1 2.Nh5 $1 {Novotny-like sacrifice, evacuating g7 square} ( 2.fxg6 Ne5 3.Kxd8 Nxg6 $19 ) 2...Rxh5 ( 2...Nf7 3.fxg6 ) 3.fxg6 Nf6 4.g4 $1 {Umnov. Rook location on h5 allows this move with a tempi} ( 4.Kxd8 Nxh7 5.Kxe7 Re5+ $19 ) 4...Rh4 ( 4...Rxh7 5.gxh7 Nf7 6.g5 Nxh7 7.Kd7 ( 7.g6 Kxd5 8.Kd7 ( 8.c4+ Kxc4 9.b3+ Kd5 $19 ) 8...e5 ) 7...Nhxg5 ( 7...Nd6 8.Kxe7 Nxg5 $11 ) 8.Kxe7 $11 ) 5.g5 Nxh7 6.g7 $1 Nf6 7.gxf6 Rg4 8.fxe7 Nb7 $1 9.b4+ $1 ( 9.e8=Q Nd6+ ) ( 9.e8=N Nd6+ ) ( 9.Kxb7 Rxg7 $19 ) 9...Kxd5 10.c4+ $1 ( 10.e8=Q Nd6+ ) 10...Kxc4 11.e8=N $3 {Black knight is trapped. Excelsior with Phoenix, starting from g2, pawn is overcoming white and black units initially standing in its way and promoted to knight replacing knight sacrificed on the second move! Judge: White's 9th and 10th move, deflecting the black king, allows domination of the black knight} 1/2-1/2
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[Event "6th Prize Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Manuel Sanz Cabrero & Luis Miguel González"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "2qb4/3b4/4k3/p3P3/4P1K1/8/2p1B3/2Bn1Q2 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "31"] 1.Qf5+ $1 ( 1.Kh5 $2 Be8+ $1 2.Kh6 Qc6 $1 3.Qf5+ Ke7+ 4.Kg7 Qg6+ 5.Qxg6 Bxg6 $11 ) 1...Ke7 2.Ba3+ Ke8 3.e6 $1 Ne3+ $1 ( 3...Be7 4.Qf7+ Kd8 5.Qxe7+ $18 ) 4.Kh3 $1 Bxe6 ( 4...Nxf5 5.Bh5# ) 5.Bb5+ Bd7 6.Qe6+ {Pelle move} 6...Be7 7.Bxe7 $1 ( 7.Kh2 $2 Qc7+ $19 ) 7...Nd5 $1 8.Bg5+ $1 ( 8.exd5 $2 Qc3+ 9.Kg4 Qc4+ $1 $11 ) ( 8.Bb4+ $2 Kd8 9.Bxa5+ Nc7 10.Bxd7 Qxd7 $11 ) 8...Ne7 ( 8...Kf8 9.Bh6# ) 9.Bxe7 ( 9.Kg2 $2 Qd8 $1 $11 ) 9...c1=Q 10.Bb4+ $1 Kd8 11.Bxa5+ Q1c7 ( 11...Q8c7 12.Qxd7# ) 12.Bxd7 $1 Qxd7 13.Qxd7+ $1 ( 13.Bxc7+ $2 Kxc7 14.Qxd7+ Kxd7 $11 ) 13...Kxd7 14.Bxc7 Kxc7 15.Kg4 Kd6 16.Kf5 {Judge: Lots of pins and counter-pins leave a strong impression.} 1-0
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[Event "Special Prize Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Oleg Pervakov"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "3Q4/4P1Bp/qb6/1r2Np1r/6Pk/3pP3/P1N5/6K1 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "23"] 1.Qd5 $3 ( 1.e8=Q+ $2 Kg3 $1 2.Nxd3 Rb1+ 3.Nce1 Rxe1+ 4.Nxe1 Rh1+ $1 5.Kxh1 Qf1# ) ( 1.Nf3+ $2 Kxg4 2.Qxd3 Rb1+ 3.Kg2 Qxd3 4.Ne5+ Kg5 5.Nxd3 Bc7 $1 6.Nf4 Rb8 7.Ne6+ Kg6 8.Nxc7 Kxg7 9.e8=Q Rxe8 10.Nxe8+ Kf7 $11 ) ( 1.Kg2 $2 Qb7+ 2.Nf3+ Kxg4 3.Ne1 Bxd8 4.exd8=Q Qxg7 $19 ) ( 1.Kh2 $2 Rxe5 $1 2.gxh5 dxc2 $11 ) 1...Rxd5 2.e8=Q Rg5 $1 ( 2...fxg4 3.Bf6+ Kg3 4.Qxh5 $18 ) 3.Bf6 Bxe3+ $1 4.Kg2 $3 ( 4.Nxe3 $2 Qxf6 5.Nxd5 Rxg4+ 6.Nxg4 Qa1+ 7.Kg2 Qxa2+ 8.Nf2 Qxd5+ $11 ) 4...Qxf6 ( 4...fxg4 5.Ng6+ $1 Kh5 ( 5...hxg6 6.Qh8# ) 6.Nf4+ Kh6 7.Qf8+ $18 ) 5.Qh5+ $3 Rxh5 6.Nf3+ Kxg4 {And now checkers:} 7.Nxe3+ Kf4 8.Nxd5+ Ke4 9.Nxf6+ Ke3 10.Nxh5 d2 11.Nxd2 Kxd2 12.a4 $1 ( 12.Nf4 $2 Kc3 $1 13.Ne2+ Kb4 $1 14.Kg3 h5 $11 {Judge: In the starting position, activating of battery 1.e8=Q discovered check, is begged to be played. Instead, white dismantle the battery with astonishing sacrifice. Tactical play continues unfolding into a humorous finale. However, the checkers theme is well known from many studies - perhaps the best is Belyavsky 2008.} ) 1-0
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[Event "1st H.M. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Oleg Pervakov"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "8/5B1k/6p1/2P5/5K2/4P3/2b1P2n/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "13"] {#} 1.c6 ( {Try} 1.Be6 $2 g5+ $1 2.Kxg5 Bd1 3.c6 Bxe2 4.c7 Ba6 5.Kf6 ( 5.e4 Kg7 $11 ) 5...Nf1 $1 6.Bc4 $5 ( 6.e4 Ne3 $11 ) 6...Nxe3 $1 7.Bxa6 Nd5+ $11 ) 1...Bf5 $1 ( 1...Ba4 2.c7 Bd7 3.Ke5 $1 Bc8 4.Be6 Ba6 5.Kd6 g5 6.Kc5 g4 7.Kb6 g3 8.Kxa6 g2 9.c8=Q g1=Q 10.Bf5+ $18 ) 2.Be8 $1 ( 2.Kg5 $2 Bc8 3.Bxg6+ Kg7 4.Bf5 Ba6 5.c7 Nf1 $11 ) ( 2.Ke5 $2 Ng4+ 3.Kd6 Nxe3 4.c7 Bc8 5.Be6 Nf5+ $11 ) ( 2.e4 $2 Bc8 3.Ke5 Ng4+ 4.Kd6 Nf6 5.e5 Kg7 $1 6.Bc4 Ne4+ 7.Ke7 g5 8.Kd8 ( 8.Be6 Bxe6 9.Kxe6 Nc5+ $11 ) 8...Bg4 $1 9.e6 Kf6 $11 ) 2...Ng4 ( 2...Bc8 3.Bd7 Ba6 4.Bh3 $1 Bxe2 5.c7 Ba6 6.Kg3 $18 ) 3.e4 $1 ( 3.Bd7 $2 Nh6 $1 4.e4 Bxd7 5.cxd7 Nf7 6.e5 Nd8 $11 ) 3...Nf6 $1 {Main A} ( {Main B} 3...Be6 4.Bd7 g5+ $1 5.Kxg5 ( 5.Kg3 $2 Ne5 $1 6.Bxe6 Nxc6 $11 ) 5...Bxd7 ( 5...Ne5 6.Bxe6 Nxc6 7.Kf6 $18 ) 6.cxd7 Ne5 7.d8=N $1 $18 ) 4.Bxg6+ $1 {Under two strikes} 4...Bxg6 ( 4...Kxg6 5.exf5+ $18 ) 5.c7 Bf5 $1 {Under two strikes} 6.Kxf5 ( 6.exf5 $2 Nd5+ $11 ) 6...Ne8 7.c8=N $1 {Echo-chameleon. Judge: Strong play and active counterplay, with scant material.} 1-0
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[Event "2nd H.M. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Itay Richardson"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "1r6/N6K/3P4/4k1N1/8/5n2/6B1/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "15"] [Source "Analyze This"] 1.Nf7+ ( 1.Nc6+ $2 Kxd6 2.Nxb8 Nxg5+ $10 ) 1...Kf6 ( 1...Ke6 2.Nc6 Rf8 ( 2...Rb7 3.Nd8+ $19 ) 3.Ncd8+ $18 ) 2.d7 ( 2.Bxf3 Kxf7 3.d7 Rb2 $1 $10 ) 2...Kxf7 3.Nc6 ( 3.Nc8 $2 Rb4 $1 $10 ) ( 3.Bxf3 Rb2 $1 $10 ) 3...Ng5+ ( 3...Rf8 4.Bxf3 $18 ) 4.Kh6 Rg8 5.Bd5+ Ne6 6.d8=R $1 ( 6.d8=Q $2 Rh8+ $1 7.Qxh8 {stalemate} ) 6...Rg6+ ( 6...Rg3 7.Kh5 Kf6 8.Rd6 $18 Re3 9.Nd8 ) 7.Kh5 Kf6 ( 7...Kg7 8.Rd7+ Kh8 ( 8...Kf6 9.Rd6 $18 ) 9.Rf7 $18 {in this line White has other options as well} ) 8.Rd6 $18 ( 8.Bxe6 $2 Kxe6 $1 $10 9.Kxg6 {stalemate. Judge: Beautiful stuff. With simple means and flowing play, we have minor promotion and stalemate avoidance.} ) 1-0
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[Event "3rd H.M. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Pavel Arestov"] [Black ""] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "4N3/1p2kp1P/8/4P2q/K7/4pnR1/3R4/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "31"] 1.Rd7+ $1 ( 1.Re2 $2 Qxh7 2.Nf6 Qd3 3.Rxe3 $1 Qd4+ $1 4.Kb5 Qb2+ 5.Kc5 b6+ 6.Kc6 Nxe5+ $19 ) 1...Kxe8 $1 ( 1...Kxd7 $4 2.Nf6+ $18 ) 2.e6 $1 Qxh7 ( 2...Qh4+ 3.Ka3 Qxh7 4.exf7+ Kxd7 5.f8=N+ $11 ) 3.exf7+ Kxd7 4.f8=N+ $1 {Phenix} ( 4.f8=Q $2 Qc2+ 5.Ka3 Qc3+ 6.Ka2 Qa5+ 7.Kb3 Nd2+ 8.Kc2 Qc7+ $19 ) 4...Kc7 ( 4...Ke8 5.Nxh7 e2 6.Nf6+ Kf7 7.Rxf3 $11 ) 5.Nxh7 b5+ $1 ( 5...e2 6.Rg7+ {main line} ) 6.Ka3 $3 ( 6.Kxb5 $2 e2 7.Rg7+ Kd8 $1 8.Rg8+ Ke7 9.Rg7+ Ke6 10.Nf8+ Kf6 11.Rg6+ Kf7 12.Re6 Nd4+ $19 ) ( 6.Kb3 $2 e2 7.Rg7+ Kd6 8.Rg6+ Kc5 9.Re6 Nd4+ $19 ) ( 6.Kb4 $2 {(Ka5)} 6...e2 7.Rg7+ Kd6 8.Rg6+ Ke5 9.Rg8 {(Nf8)} 9...e1=Q+ $19 ) 6...b4+ $1 7.Ka4 $3 ( 7.Kb2 $2 e2 8.Rg7+ Kd6 9.Rg6+ Ke7 $1 10.Rg7+ Ke6 11.Nf8+ Kf6 12.Rg6+ Kf5 13.Re6 Ne5 14.Ng6 $5 Nd3+ $1 15.Kc2 Kxe6 $19 ) ( 7.Ka2 $2 b3+ $3 8.Kxb3 e2 9.Rg7+ Kd6 10.Rg6+ Ke5 11.Ng5 $1 Nd4+ $1 12.Kc4 Kf5 $1 ( {but not} 12...e1=Q $2 13.Re6+ $1 Nxe6 14.Nf3+ $11 ) 13.Kxd4 e1=Q $19 ) 7...e2 8.Rg7+ Kd8 ( 8...Kd6 9.Rg6+ Kd5 10.Nf6+ Kc4 11.Rg4+ Kd3 12.Re4 $11 ) 9.Rg8+ Ke7 10.Rg7+ Ke6 ( 10...Ke8 11.Nf6+ Kf8 12.Rg8+ Kf7 13.Re8 $11 ) 11.Nf8+ ( 11.Rg6+ $2 Kf7 12.Rf6+ Ke7 $19 ) 11...Kf6 12.Rg6+ Kf5 13.Re6 Ne5 14.Ng6 $3 ( 14.Nd7 $2 Kxe6 $19 ) 14...Kxe6 ( 14...Nxg6 15.Rxe2 $11 ) ( 14...e1=Q 15.Rxe5+ $11 ) 15.Nf4+ Kd6 16.Nxe2 $11 {Judge: I don't think that the first moves add anything, real fight starts with 5...b5+ when the white king must play accurately. The highlight comes with 14.Ng6!!.} 1/2-1/2
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[Event "4th H.M. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Daniele Gatti & Martin Minski"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "8/p6p/r5P1/2B1k2p/8/2R1P2b/2K5/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "15"] [BlackType "human"] [Termination "unterminated"] [Time "21:39:41"] [TimeControl "60"] [WhiteType "human"] 1.Bd4+ ( 1.gxh7 $2 Bf5+ $1 2.Kb2 Bxh7 {Draw} ) 1...Kd6 2.e4 Bg2 ( 2...Ra2+ ) ( 2...hxg6 ) 3.g7 ( 3.gxh7 $2 Bxe4+ $1 4.Kb2 Bxh7 {Draw} ) 3...Bxe4+ 4.Rd3 {Selfpin with battery creation} 4...Rc6+ ( 4...Ra2+ 5.Bb2+ $1 Bxd3+ 6.Kxd3 Rxb2 ) 5.Bc5+ $1 {Second selfpin: double-countercheck with both pieces pinned} ( 5.Kd2 $2 Rc8 $1 6.Bc5+ Ke6 $1 {Draw} ( 6...Ke5 $2 ) ) 5...Kxc5 ( 5...Ke5 6.g8=Q Rxc5+ ) 6.g8=Q Rd6 7.Qc8+ Kb6 8.Qb8+ {Judge: Achieving decisive result with self-pins is bound to bring a positive impression. economical structure, solver friendly.} 1-0
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[Event "5th H.M. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Vladislav Tarasiuk"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "1k6/8/r3P3/8/3R2Pn/6p1/1B6/4K3 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "33"] 1.Re4 ( 1.e7 $2 Re6+ $11 ) 1...g2 2.Kf2 Ra2 3.Re2 $1 ( 3.Rb4+ $2 Kc8 4.e7 Kd7 5.Rb7+ Ke8 $11 ) 3...Ra4 $1 4.Be5+ $1 ( 4.e7 $2 Rf4+ $1 5.Kg3 g1=Q+ $11 ) 4...Kc8 5.Rb2 g1=Q+ $1 ( 5...Kd8 6.Bd6 $1 Ra8 7.Rb1 Ra2+ ( 7...Ke8 8.Kg1 ) 8.Kg3 Rb2 9.Ra1 $1 ( 9.Rg1 $2 Ng6 10.Rxg2 Rb3+ $1 11.Kh2 Re3 $11 ) 9...Ra2 10.Rg1 Ng6 11.Rxg2 Ra6 12.Rd2 $1 $18 ) 6.Kxg1 Nf3+ 7.Kh1 $1 ( {Thematic try:} 7.Kf1 $2 Nxe5 8.Rb8+ $6 Kxb8 9.e7 Rf4+ 10.Kg2 Rxg4+ 11.Kh3 Rg8 $19 ) 7...Nxe5 8.Rb8+ $1 ( 8.e7 $2 Kd7 $11 ) 8...Kxb8 9.e7 Ra1+ 10.Kg2 Ra2+ 11.Kf1 $1 ( 11.Kh3 $2 Rh2+ $1 12.Kxh2 Nxg4+ 13.Kg3 Nf6 $11 ) 11...Ra1+ $1 ( 11...Rf2+ 12.Kg1 $1 ( {Try:} 12.Ke1 $2 Nd3+ 13.Kd1 Rf1+ 14.Kd2 Re1 $19 ) 12...Re2 13.e8=Q+ $18 ) 12.Ke2 Ra2+ 13.Kd1 Ra1+ ( 13...Rd2+ 14.Kc1 $1 ( {Try:} 14.Ke1 $2 Nf3+ 15.Kf1 Rd1+ 16.Kf2 Re1 $19 ) 14...Re2 15.e8=Q+ $18 ) 14.Kc2 Ra2+ 15.Kb1 $1 ( 15.Kb3 $2 Ra3+ $1 16.Kb4 Nc6+ 17.Kxa3 Nxe7 $11 ) 15...Rb2+ $1 16.Ka1 $1 ( {Thematic try:} 16.Kc1 $2 Nd3+ 17.Kd1 Rb1+ 18.Kd2 Re1 $19 ) ( 16.Kxb2 $2 Nc4+ 17.Kc3 Nd6 $11 ) 16...Kc7 17.e8=Q {win. Coordinated play rook and bishop white and accurate maneuvering their king to two corners of the board (a1<e1>h1) - the key to the successful promotion of the passed pawn to the queen. Judge: An excellent and neat demonstration of the known theme of corner-to-corner journey: to promote the e-pawn the white king must visit both h1 and a1.} 1-0
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[Event "6th H.M. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Daniele Gatti & Mario Micaloni"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "1R6/2K1P3/8/8/4P3/2bk4/8/3q4 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "15"] [BlackType "human"] [Termination "normal"] [Time "20:55:32"] [TimeControl "2005364460+6"] [WhiteType "human"] 1.e8=Q ( 1.Rd8+ $2 Bd4 $1 ) 1...Qa1 2.Qb5+ Kxe4 3.Kc6 ( 3.Re8+ $2 Be5+ $1 ) 3...Ke3 ( 3...Be5 4.Qd5+ $1 Kf5 5.Qf7+ $1 Ke4 6.Rb4+ $1 Ke3 7.Qc4 $1 Kd2 8.Qd5+ $1 Kc1 9.Kb7 $1 ) 4.Re8+ Kf4 5.Rf8+ ( 5.Qc4+ $2 Kg5 $1 6.Rg8+ Bg7 $1 ) 5...Bf6 6.Qf1+ $1 Kg5 ( 6...Qxf1 7.Rxf6+ Ke3 8.Rxf1 ) 7.Rg8+ Bg7 ( 7...Kh6 8.Qh3+ Bh4 9.Qxh4# ) 8.Qxa1 {Judge: There are several studies with this material, which contain quite moves, e.g. Arestov 2020 and Becker 2017; but this one has a certain degree of originality and charm: 6.Qf1+! and later dragging the BB to be pinned, so the black queen can be captured.} 1-0
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[Event "7th H.M. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Martin Minski"] [Black ""] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "6K1/1b2p2P/Q7/5qk1/6r1/3R2P1/2B5/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "15"] 1.Rd4 $1 ( 1.h8=Q $2 Bxa6 2.Rc3 ( 2.Qg7+ Kh5 $19 ) 2...Bc4+ 3.Rxc4 Qd5+ 4.Kg7 Qe5+ 5.Kh7 Qxh8+ 6.Kxh8 Rxc4 $19 ) ( 1.Rd8 $2 Kh5+ $19 ) 1...Bd5+ ( 1...Bxa6 2.Bxf5 $11 ) ( 1...Kh5+ $2 2.Rxg4 $18 ) 2.Rxd5 Kh5+ 3.Kh8 Qxd5 4.Bg6+ $1 Rxg6 ( 4...Kh6 5.Bf5+ e6 6.Qxe6+ Qxe6 7.Bxe6 $11 ) 5.Qe2+ Kh6 ( 5...Rg4 6.Qh2+ Kg6 7.Qh6+ $1 Kxh6 {stalemate} ) ( 5...Kg5 6.Qxe7+ Rf6 7.Kg7 $11 ) 6.Qh2+ Qh5 ( 6...Kg5 7.Qh4+ Kf5 8.Qh5+ Rg5 9.g4+ $11 ) 7.g4 $3 {the Avni theme: A (black) queen is attacked, but in the next move will be attacked a second time by another piece.} ( 7.Qxh5+ $2 Kxh5 8.g4+ Kh4 $1 $19 ) ( 7.Qd2+ $2 Rg5 8.g4 Qe8# ) 7...Qxh2 8.g5+ {and stalemate} 1/2-1/2
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[Event "8th H.M. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Beat Neuenschwander"] [Black ""] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "8/8/3KP3/P2P3P/1p6/8/2p2k2/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "29"] 1.e7 b3 $1 {Delayed queening is the most dangerous.} ( 1...c1=Q 2.e8=Q {poses White no problems} ) 2.h6 $1 {2nd delayed queening.} ( 2.e8=Q $2 b2 3.Qf7+ Ke1 $1 4.Qe6+ Kd2 $1 5.a6 ( 5.Qh6+ Kd1 $19 ) 5...b1=Q $1 ( 5...c1=Q $2 6.a7 b1=Q 7.a8=Q $10 ) 6.a7 Qb6+ $19 ) 2...c1=Q ( 2...b2 3.h7 $1 b1=Q 4.h8=Q Qb4+ ( 4...c1=Q 5.Qd4+ $10 ( 5.e8=Q $2 Qb4+ $19 ) ) 5.Kd7 Qb5+ 6.Kd6 c1=Q 7.Qh2+ Kf3 8.Qh3+ Ke4 9.Qe6+ Kd4 10.Qe5+ Kd3 11.Qf5+ Kc3 12.Qc8+ Kb2 13.Qxc1+ Kxc1 14.Ke6 $10 ) 3.e8=Q Qf4+ ( 3...b2 4.Qf7+ $1 Ke1 5.h7 b1=Q 6.h8=Q $10 ) ( 3...Qxh6+ 4.Qe6 $1 Qf4+ 5.Kd7 $1 $10 ) 4.Kd7 $1 ( 4.Kc5 $2 b2 ) 4...Qa4+ 5.Ke7 ( 5.Kd8 {<or>} ) 5...Qxe8+ 6.Kxe8 b2 7.d6 $1 {3rd delayed queening.} ( 7.h7 $2 b1=Q 8.h8=Q Qb8+ $19 ) 7...b1=Q 8.d7 Qg6+ 9.Ke7 ( 9.Kd8 $2 Qxh6 10.Kc7 Qf4+ $19 ) 9...Qg5+ 10.Ke8 Qe5+ 11.Kd8 $1 ( 11.Kf7 $2 Qd6 12.Ke8 Qe6+ $19 ) 11...Qxa5+ 12.Ke7 ( 12.Ke8 {<or>} ) 12...Qe5+ 13.Kf7 ( 13.Kf8 $2 Qf6+ $19 ) 13...Qd6 14.h7 $1 Qxd7+ 15.Kg8 {Judge: the repeated delayed promotion to a queen, by both black and white, is intriguing.} 1/2-1/2
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[Event "9th H.M. Avni-70 JT "] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Yochanan Afek"] [Black ""] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "7B/8/5n2/1k6/6R1/5p2/1Pp5/K5N1 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "17"] 1.Rg5+ ( 1.Bxf6 $2 f2 $19 ) ( 1.Ne2 $2 Nxg4 2.Nd4+ Kc4 3.Nxc2 f2 $19 ) 1...Nd5 $1 2.Ne2 $3 ( 2.Rxd5+ $2 Kc6 $1 3.Nxf3 c1=Q+ 4.Ka2 Qc4+ $1 ( 4...Kxd5 5.Bc3 $11 ) 5.Ka3 Qxd5 $19 ) 2...fxe2 3.Rg1 Ne3 $1 4.Rc1 e1=Q $1 5.Rxe1 Nd1 6.Re5+ Kb4 7.Rc5 $3 ( {Echo thematic try:} 7.Re4+ $2 Kb3 $1 8.Rc4 $5 Kxc4 9.b3+ Kd3 $1 ( {But not} 9...Kxb3 10.Bb2 $1 $11 ) 10.Bb2 Nxb2 11.Kxb2 Kd2 $19 ) 7...Kxc5 8.b4+ $1 Kxb4 9.Bb2 {5 neat sacrifices (3 by White and 2 by Black) in the main line and 2 more in the try 7.Re4+? Judge: The elements are known, yet the play as a whole is aesthetic.} 1/2-1/2
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[Event "10th H.M. Avni 70-JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Yechiel Robinson"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "k1N5/7P/p5n1/K2p4/R4B2/2Pq4/8/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "33"] {In the starting position, Black is threatening mate by ...Qb5.} 1.Rc4 $3 {Sacrificing the rook, where Black can capture it two different ways, is the only winning move.} ( 1.Rb4 $2 Qxc3 $1 2.Nb6+ Ka7 3.Bb8+ Kxb8 4.Nxd5+ Qxb4+ 5.Kxb4 Nh8 $11 ) 1...dxc4 ( 1...Qxc4 2.Nb6+ {wins the queen with a knight fork.} ) 2.Kxa6 Qd8 ( {Or} 2...Qb1 ) 3.Nb6+ Qxb6+ 4.Kxb6 Nf8 5.h8=N $3 ( 5.h8=Q $2 {stalemate} ) ( 5.h8=B $2 {allows several paths to a draw, for example:} 5...Ng6 6.Bg3 Nf4 7.Kb5 Ne2 8.Bge5 Nxc3+ 9.Bxc3 {and White has two bishops on the same color squares. This is insufficient material to force mate. If White had promoted to a knight on h8, White would now have enough material to force the classic knight and bishop checkmate.} ) ( 5.Bd6 {or Bg5} 5...Nxh7 6.Be7 {achieves domination of the knight, but it takes too long for White to walk his king across the board to capture it, for example:} 6...Kb8 7.Kc6 Ka7 $1 8.Kd5 Kb6 9.Ke6 Kb5 10.Kf7 Ka4 11.Kg6 Kb3 12.Bb4 Nf8+ $1 $11 {and White must either give up his only pawn or allow the Black knight to escape.} ) 5...Ng6 6.Bg3 $1 Nxh8 7.Kc7 Nf7 8.Bf4 Nh8 ( 8...Ka7 9.Kd7 $1 $18 ) 9.Kd7 {Or} ( 9.Kd6 ) 9...Kb7 10.Ke6 Ng6 11.Bg3 Nf8+ 12.Ke7 Nh7 13.Bh4 $1 ( 13.Bf4 {also dominates the knight, but Black can walk his king to attack the bishop, costing White a crucial tempo, as follows:} 13...Kc6 14.Kf7 Kd5 15.Kg7 Ke4 16.Bd2 Kd3 $11 ) 13...Kc6 14.Kf7 Kd5 15.Kg7 Ke4 16.Kxh7 Kd3 17.Bf6 {Judge: I find the first four moves redundant; the sequence 5.h8=N Ng6 is known from Matous (1985) and Vlasenko (1985) but here the author took a fresh direction - not a chase for stalemate but an accurate path to isolate the black knight and capture it.} 1-0
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[Event "11th H.M. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Steffen Nielsen"] [Black ""] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "KB6/3r4/k7/8/1Rp3b1/3p4/8/5B2 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "18"] 1.Bc7 ( 1.Bg2 $2 {eg} 1...d2 ) ( 1.Bg3 $4 Rd8+ 2.Bb8 Bf3+ ) 1...Rxc7 ( 1...d2 $4 2.Bxc4# ) 2.Rxc4 Ra7+ ( 2...Rxc4 3.Bxd3 $11 ) 3.Kb8 Rb7+ 4.Ka8 Bf3 ( 4...Be2 5.Ra4+ $1 ( 5.Bxe2 $2 dxe2 6.Re4 Rb2 $19 {(very small piece of logic)} ) 5...Kb5 6.Bxe2 dxe2 7.Re4 $11 ) 5.Bxd3 ( 5.Ra4+ $2 Kb5 6.Ra1 {eg} 6...Kc5 $19 ) 5...Rb4+ ( 5...Re7+ 6.Kb8 $11 ) ( 5...Rb3+ 6.Be4 $11 ( 6.Rc6+ $11 ) ) 6.Rc6+ $1 ( 6.Re4+ Kb6 $19 ( 6...Ka5 $19 ) ) ( 6.Be4 Bxe4+ $19 ( 6...Rxc4 $19 ) ) 6...Ka5 7.Be4 $1 {Main A:} 7...Rxe4 $5 ( {Main B} 7...Bxe4 8.Ka7 Bxc6 $11 {Stalemate} ) 8.Kb8 $1 ( 8.Rc7 $2 Re8+ 9.Ka7 Ra8# ( 9...Kb5 $19 ) ) ( 8.Rc8 $2 $19 {eg} 8...Kb6 ) ( 8.Ka7 $2 Re7+ ) 8...Rb4+ ( 8...Re8+ 9.Rc8 $11 ) 9.Ka7 Bxc6 $11 {Stalemate. Judge: Simple, yet attractive.} 1/2-1/2
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[Event "12th H.M. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Yehuda Hoch"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "r3k3/2p1p3/1PP5/5p1K/8/4B3/P7/6n1 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "35"] [Source "Analyze This"] 1.b7 ( 1.bxc7 Ne2 $17 ) ( 1.Bxg1 cxb6 $17 ) 1...Rb8 ( 1...Rd8 2.Bxg1 Kf7 3.Bb6 $1 ( 3.Bh2 Kf6 4.Kh4 e5 5.a4 Ke6 6.a5 Kd6 7.a6 Kxc6 $10 ) ( 3.Ba7 Ke6 4.b8=Q Rxb8 5.Bxb8 Kd6 $10 ) 3...Kf6 4.Kh4 Rh8+ 5.Kg3 Ke6 6.Bxc7 Kd5 7.Bd8 $1 $18 ) 2.Ba7 $1 ( 2.Bxg1 Kf7 3.Bb6 ( 3.Ba7 Rh8+ 4.Kg5 Ke6 ) 3...Ke6 4.Bxc7 Kd5 5.Bxb8 Kxc6 $10 ) 2...Nf3 ( 2...Rd8 3.Bxg1 {wins as before} ) 3.Bxb8 Ne5 4.Ba7 {minor dual. white can change order of mooves 4,5} ( 4.Bxc7 Nxc6 5.a4 Kd7 6.Bf4 Nb8 7.Bxb8 Kc6 $10 ) 4...Nxc6 5.a4 Kd7 ( 5...f4 6.Kg4 $18 ) 6.a5 Nb8 $1 ( 6...f4 7.a6 f3 8.Bf2 $18 ) 7.Bxb8 Kc6 8.a6 Kb6 9.Ba7+ $1 ( 9.Bxc7+ Kxc7 10.Kg5 e6 11.Kf4 Kb8 12.Ke5 Kc7 {mutual zugzwang} 13.Kf4 Kb8 $10 ) 9...Kxa7 10.Kg5 c5 ( 10...e6 11.Kf4 c5 12.Ke5 c4 13.Kd6 c3 14.Kc7 $18 ) 11.Kxf5 c4 12.Kf4 $1 ( 12.Ke4 e5 {mutual zugzwang} 13.Ke3 Kb8 14.Ke4 Kc7 $10 ) 12...e6 13.Ke3 {(f3)} ( 13.Ke4 e5 $10 ) 13...e5 14.Ke4 Kb8 15.Kd5 c3 16.Kc6 c2 17.Kb6 c1=Q 18.a7# {Judge: The tactics in the side-variation 1...Rd8 are known; the difference between 9. B:c7+ and 9. Ba7+ is nice. Surprisingly, it is the non-capture which brings a winning ending for white.} 1-0
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[Event "13th H.M. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Jan Timman"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "3B4/2n3p1/3pRp1k/1b1p1P1p/6PK/1pP1R3/p2pP2N/3r4 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "35"] 1.g5+ Kh7 2.g6+ Kh6 3.Re8 $1 ( {The play for mate starts} 3.Bxf6 Rg1 $1 4.Bxg7+ Kxg7 5.Re7+ Kg8 6.Rxc7 d1=Q $11 ( 6...a1=Q $11 ) ) 3...Nxe8 ( 3...Bxe8 4.Rxe8 Nxe8 5.Bb6 $18 ) 4.Ng4+ $1 ( {A knight sac to restrict the scope of Black's rook and bishop} 4.Rh3 $2 Rg1 $19 ( 4...Bxe2 $19 ) ) 4...hxg4 5.Rh3 $1 Rg1 $1 ( {Restricting White's king.} 5...gxh3 6.Bb6 $18 ) 6.Bb6 d4 $1 ( 6...d1=N 7.Bxg1 gxh3 8.Bh2 $18 ) ( 6...Rg3 7.Rxg3 d1=N 8.c4 d4 ( 8...a1=Q 9.Kxg4 $18 ) 9.Ba5 $1 a1=Q 10.Bd2+ Ne3 11.Rxe3 $18 ) 7.Bxd4 Rg3 $1 8.Rxg3 d1=N 9.Rg1 ( 9.c4 Bxc4 10.Re3 Nc7 ( {or} 10...Bb5 $11 ) ) 9...a1=N $1 {A second knight promotion to fight for square e3.} 10.Rxd1 Nc2 11.Bf2 $1 ( 11.Bg1 Nc7 12.c4 Bxc4 13.Rxd6 Ne6 14.Rxe6 $2 Bxe6 15.e4 g3 $19 ) 11...Nc7 12.c4 $1 ( {A pawn sac to force Black's bishop into a less favorable square.} 12.Rxd6 Be8 $1 13.Kxg4 Bxg6 14.fxg6 Na3 $1 15.Rb6 Nab5 16.Be3+ Kxg6 17.Bc1 Nxc3 $11 ) ( 12.Bg3 Ne6 $1 13.fxe6 Kxg6 $11 ) 12...Bxc4 13.Rxd6 Ne6 $1 14.Rxe6 $1 ( 14.fxe6 b2 15.Rb6 Bxe6 16.Rxb2 Na3 $11 ) 14...Bxe6 15.e4 $1 {Keeps the mating threat of the White bishop.} 15...Bf7 ( 15...b2 16.Bg3 $18 ) 16.gxf7 b2 17.f8=Q b1=Q ( 17...Kh7 18.Qb8 $18 ) 18.Qh8# {Judge: tactical fight from beginning to end, lots of sacrifices, minor promotions, but the overall feeling is of too much noise and turmoil, over-complexity in a structure which resembles an opening more than an endgame.} 1-0
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[Event "1st Com. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Jan Timman"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "7K/3Q4/n7/8/r5B1/1N4p1/4p2p/5k2 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "31"] 1.Bh3+ $1 ( {White has to choose the right order of the checks} 1.Nd2+ Ke1 $1 2.Nf3+ Kf1 3.Bh3+ Kf2 $1 4.Qxa4 h1=Q 5.Qd4+ Kxf3 6.Qd5+ Kf2 $11 ) ( 1.Qf5+ $2 Kg1 2.Qb1+ Kg2 $19 ) 1...g2 ( 1...Ke1 2.Qd2+ Kf2 3.Nd4 $1 h1=Q 4.Qf4+ Ke1 5.Qc1+ Kf2 6.Qxh1 Rxd4 7.Qg2+ Ke3 8.Qg1+ $1 ( 8.Qxg3+ $2 Kd2 $11 ) 8...Kd3 9.Bf5+ $18 ) ( 1...Kf2 2.Qf7+ Ke3 3.Qe6+ Kf2 4.Qf6+ Ke3 ( 4...Ke1 5.Bg2 $18 ) 5.Qb6+ $18 ( 5.Bg2 $18 ) ) 2.Nd2+ ( 2.Qf7+ Ke1 $1 3.Bxg2 Rh4+ 4.Kg7 Rg4+ $11 ) 2...Kg1 ( 2...Ke1 3.Bxg2 Nc5 ( 3...Rh4+ 4.Kg8 $1 ( 4.Kg7 $2 Nc5 5.Nf3+ Kf2 6.Qf5 Rf4 $1 $11 ) 4...Nc5 5.Nf3+ Kf2 6.Qf5 $1 $18 ) 4.Nf3+ Kf2 5.Qh3 $1 $18 ) 3.Qa7+ {Forcing the Black king to the corner.} 3...Nc5 $1 {A knight sac to ensure that Black's rook has square a8.} 4.Qxc5+ Kh1 5.Qf2 $1 ( {Try:} 5.Qg5 e1=N $1 6.Bxg2+ Nxg2 7.Nf3 Rf4 $11 ( 7...Rh4+ $11 ) ) ( 5.Ne4 Rxe4 6.Qf2 Re8+ 7.Kh7 Re7+ 8.Kh6 Rg7 $1 $11 ) 5...Ra8+ 6.Kh7 Ra7+ 7.Kh6 $1 ( 7.Qxa7 e1=Q $11 ) 7...Ra6+ 8.Kh5 {The White king has to stay on the h-file.} 8...Ra5+ 9.Kh4 Ra4+ 10.Kg3 Ra3+ ( 10...Rg4+ 11.Kxg4 g1=Q+ 12.Kf3 Qxf2+ 13.Kxf2 e1=Q+ 14.Kxe1 Kg1 15.Nf3+ $18 {eg} 15...Kh1 16.Nd4 Kg1 17.Ne2+ Kh1 18.Bf5 ) 11.Nf3 Rxf3+ 12.Kxf3 e1=N+ $1 {Play for stalemate.} 13.Ke2 $1 ( 13.Qxe1+ g1=N+ $1 $11 ) 13...g1=Q 14.Qf1 $1 {Reciprocal zugzwang} 14...Qxf1+ 15.Kxf1 Nc2 16.Bg2# {Judge: Clever defence by black and amusing position after 14.Qf1! with reciprocal zugzwang} 1-0
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[Event "2nd Com. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Mihail Croitor"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "k5b1/8/3K4/2pP4/5R2/8/8/2r5 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "17"] 1.Kc7 $1 {checkmate threat} ( {Refuse to give back piece} 1.Rf8+ Kb7 2.Rxg8 c4 $11 ) 1...c4 ( 1...Ra1 2.Rf8+ Ka7 3.Rxg8 $18 ) 2.d6 Bh7 ( 2...Rb1 3.Rf8+ Ka7 4.Rxg8 Rb7+ 5.Kc6 ) ( 2...Be6 3.Re4 Bh3 4.Re3 $18 ) 3.Rd4 $1 {Supports pawn} 3...Rb1 ( 3...Bf5 4.Rd5 $18 ) 4.d7 Rb7+ 5.Kc6 Rb8 ( 5...Rxd7 6.Rxd7 Bf5 7.Rf7 Be4+ 8.Kb6 ) 6.d8=Q Be4+ $1 ( 6...Rxd8 7.Rxd8+ Ka7 8.Rd7+ ) 7.Kc7 {Refuse to capture black bishop.} 7...Rxd8 8.Rxc4 $3 {Rook / Bishop capture refuse! Checkmate is more important!} 8...Bd3 9.Ra4+ {Judge: On his 8th move white may choose to capture a black rook or a bishop, but he opts for a third option, the only way to win.} 1-0
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[Event "3rd Com. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Iuri Bazlov"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "8/4K3/4B1R1/8/7k/2p1Np1q/8/6b1 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "37"] 1.Nf5+ ( 1.Bxh3 Bxe3 2.Bf5 f2 $10 ) ( 1.Rh6+ Kg5 2.Rxh3 Bxe3 3.Rg3+ ( 3.Bb3 f2 4.Rh1 Kf4 ) 3...Kf4 4.Rg4+ Ke5 5.Rc4 Bd4 $10 ) 1...Kh5 ( 1...Qxf5 2.Bxf5 f2 3.Rg4+ Kh5 4.Rf4 Kg5 5.Rf3 ) 2.Rg7 $1 ( 2.Rh6+ Kg5 3.Rxh3 Bc5+ ) ( 2.Rxg1 Qg2 $1 $19 ) 2...Bc5+ ( 2...Qxf5 3.Bxf5 f2 4.Kf6 Kh4 5.Rg4+ Kh5 6.Rf4 ) 3.Ke8 ( 3.Kf7 $2 ) 3...Qxf5 4.Bxf5 f2 5.Bd3 f1=Q ( 5...c2 6.Rh7+ Kg4 7.Rh1 ) 6.Bxf1 c2 $1 7.Be2+ Kh6 8.Kf7 $1 c1=Q 9.Rg6+ Kh7 10.Bd3 $3 Qa3 ( 10...Qe3 ) 11.Rd6+ Qxd3 12.Rxd3 Kh6 13.Kf6 Kh7 14.Rd7+ $1 Kh6 ( 14...Kg8 15.Rf7 $18 ) 15.Rd1 ( {or} 15.Rd2 ) 15...Kh7 16.Rd3 $1 Bb4 ( 16...Bb6 17.Kf7 ) 17.Rg3 $1 Bd2 18.Rg6 $1 Bc3+ 19.Kf7 {Judge: White refrains twice from capturing a black queen and does it only after a prolonged battle. the move 10. Bd3! resembles Hoch (1975) and Topko (1999). the concluding moves are technical.} 1-0
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[Event "4th Com. Avni-70 JT"] [Site ""] [Date "2024"] [Round ""] [White "Alexey Gasparyan"] [Black ""] [Result "1-0"] [EventDate "2024"] [FEN "6r1/1q4pN/P6k/2p2P1B/Q3npK1/3P3N/8/8 b - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [PlyCount "22"] 1...Nf6+ 2.Kh4 Qh1 3.Qxf4+ Kxh7 4.Qf1 Qh2 5.Qe2 Qh1 6.Qd1 Qh2 7.Qc2 Qh1 8.Qb1 Qh2 9.Qb2 Qh1 10.Qa1 Qh2 11.Qe5 $1 Qh1 12.Bf3 {Judge: An amusing zig-zag maneuver of the white queen to deflect its black colleague.} 1-0
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