Selection of studies out of more than 250 composed by
Vasily Nikolayevich Platov
(Latvia, 24.3.1881 - 17.7.1952)
Together with his brother Platov, Mikhael 1883-1942l they made 185 co-studies.
More information about them can be found at ChesscomposerBlogspot, which reports:
The Platov brothers (Vasily and Mikhail) were two Latvian endgame study composers who followed Troitzky's steps.
They collaborated with the great magazines of their time - Shakhmaty, 64.
They published two collections of their studies: "Сборник шахматных этюдов/Sammlung der Endspielstudien" in 1914
and "Сборник шахматных этюдов" in 1928. Vasily also published a selection of contemporary studies "150 избранных современных этюдов" in 1925.
Whitworth, Timothy 1932 wrote the reference book "The Platov Brothers" in 1994.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) a collection with over 85.000 studies)