Selection of studies composed by

Mikhail Nikolaevich Platov

(Latvia/Ussr, 5.6.1883-1942 or 1938?).

With his brother Platov, Vasily 1881-1952 he created about 185 co-studies.

Article in Spanish about him and his brother.

Little information on ChesscomposerBlogspot.

EG index gives the following interesting references to articles in EG with or by him:

Platov Centenary Ty 1982 5209-16 (76), 5217-24 (77)

Whitworth, T.G. The Platov brothers - a postscript 826 (120)

Vladimirov, Ya. V & M. Platov; R.Reti & J.Fritz (2002) 755 (147)

Platov, V. and M. article about - 826 (120) book about [by Whitworth] - 432 (112), [by Vladimirov] - 755 (147) memories of, by A.Herbstmann - 429 (65)

Whitworth, T.G. The Platov brothers (1994) 432 (112), see p.826 (120)


In this book:

11 pages are about him with 18 studies and his life story.

It also claims he died in 1938, after not corresponding after 22 August 1938.


This selection is out of his single creations.

(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden (HHdbVI))