Selection out of 100 studies composed by
Robert Sinclair Brieger (USA, 1925-2012).
Composer, author and player born in Houston (Texas) expert in math. His imaginative style are direct sacrifices and threats. His favorite subjects are the minor promotion, drowned, reciprocal Zugzwang and Briger's suicide piece to published books on problems and finals. They stand out: "Imagination in Enggame" (Dallas, 1973) "Istructive Ending" (Dallas, 1980 and "Challenges in the Endgames" (Houston, 1984)
SOURCE: "The Art of the Study of Chess" - T.IV (Former Soviet Union)
Author: Zoilo R. Caputto- Bs.As. (Argentina) - 1996.
A chess player from the age of 17, Robert achieved a highest rating of "Master". Author of many books on chess and composed countless "end games", playing by correspondence with opponents worldwide. Houston City Chess Champion, recipient of many trophies from State and Southwest Open tournaments.
The complete obituary Information on
EG index gives the following interesting references to articles in EG with or by him:
Brieger, R. and Korn, W. Chess Life & Review 1970-71 412 (30)
Korn, W. and Brieger, R. Chess Life & Review 1970-71 412 (30)
Brieger, R. 15864 (164), 16027 (165)
Study selection by Mario Garcia.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).